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Subject: 新版《香港觀鳥會香港及華南鳥類野外手冊》預購 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS_Koren    Time: 13/09/2022 16:32     Subject: 新版《香港觀鳥會香港及華南鳥類野外手冊》預購





【Pre-order now: HKBWS Field Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong and South China】

The HKBWS Field Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong and South China covers all birds known to have occured in Hong Kong and adjoining areas of southern China. The bilingual bird guide summarizes the appearance, distribution and migration pattern of each species, supplemented by full-color illustrations detailling variations among male, female and juvenile birds.

16 years since the last edition, the HKBWS Field Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong and South China has been updated to include new bird records and illustrations. It covers 784 wild bird species, together with some newly added escaped and introduced birds. The 9th edition is expected to be released in November and is now open for pre-order. HKBWS members can enjoy a 30% early bird discount during the pre-order period, while non-members will get 12% off. Grab your copy on or before September 22 to enjoy limited-time offer!

Pre-order form:

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Author: HKBWS_Koren    Time: 21/09/2022 17:10     Subject: 新書預購期延長 Extended pre-order discount



The pre-order response to our new book HKBWS Field Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong and South China has been massive and outstripped our expectations. To meet the overwhelming demand, the pre-order deadline has been extended until 30 September.

Pre-order now:
Book preview:

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