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Subject: [Hong Kong] Large number of illegal nets in the FCA 邊境禁區有大量非法捕鳥網 [Print This Page]

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/11/2007 15:32     Subject: Large number of illegal nets in the FCA 邊境禁區有大量非法捕鳥網

Today I found a large number of illegal bird nets in the frontier closed area, near Ta Kwu Ling. I estimated about 40 nets were present, around all of the fields in one small area.

Surprisingly few dead birds were present - but these included a Japanese Sparrowhawk, a blackbird and a white-throated kingfisher. Also one dead fruit bat. There were no live birds (in the nets or in the fields!)

Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me to take a record.

I have reported the case to CL Wong at AFCD, who has replied that he will send staff to investigate the site this afternoon.

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