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Subject: [Oversea] World Cup 2010 development threatens millions of roosting Barn Swallows 南非為 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 20/11/2006 18:00     Subject: World Cup 2010 development threatens millions of roosting Barn Swallows 南非為

Press Release from BirdLife International

World Cup 2010 development threatens millions of roosting Barn Swallows

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A proposed airport development in South Africa is threatening the winter roosting sites of three million Barn Swallows that journey there after spending breeding months in countries across Europe and other parts of the world.

The development is being proposed by the South African government, apparently to meet the demands of hosting World Cup 2010. BirdLife International objects to the plans on the basis of the site global importance for Barn Swallow. The site is to be designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA) based on the fact that numbers represent more than 1% of the global population of Barn Swallows. This equates to more than 8% of the European breeding population.

The roost-site of the Barn Swallows, the Mount Moreland Reedbed, sits on what would be the flight-path for aircraft landing and taking off at the proposed airport extension. Conservationists from BirdLife South Africa are concerned that safety concerns for visiting aircraft will lead to the clearance of the reedbed, removing the roosting site for the swallows. [4]

The swallows roost here in such numbers because of the lack of other suitable roosting areas around KwaZulu-Natal.  The site is an island in a surrounding sea of sugar cane plantations. It vital. If the reedbeds are cleared, it unlikely that these Barn Swallows will find suitable roosting places elsewhere??Neil Smith, Conservation Division, BirdLife South Africa.

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