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Subject: [Oversea] Exmoor National Park, Somerset, UK [Print This Page]

Author: kmatthew    Time: 17/03/2009 03:15     Subject: Exmoor National Park, Somerset, UK

A nice day out in Exmoor National Park today, though birding was not the main purpose of this geography school trip. I did manage some quality birding time outside the Tarr Step Inn's Pub while enjoying a pint quality local cider!!  It was birding at it's best, most of the birds were fearless and came so close I can't focus on them with my lens!! I spent an lunch hour sitting there in the warm spring sun taking these photos.

Blue Tit

Great Tit

Robin - This Robin was specially fearless, it actually came under our picnic table picking up scraps!!


Eurasian Nuthatch - The highlight of the day, there were 2 feeding outside the pub, one came down to the floor at one point looking for food!!

Other birds today:
Sparrowhawk x1
Kestrel x1
Buzzard x6
Coal Tit x2
Green Finches
Raven x2

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