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Subject: [Oversea] Satellite-tracking reveals new migration route for Lesser White-fronts [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 15/12/2006 15:37     Subject: Satellite-tracking reveals new migration route for Lesser White-fronts

News from BirdLife International


Satellite-tracking reveals new migration route for Lesser White-fronts

Further light has been shed on the migratory movements of the highly-threatened population of Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus, as a result of on-going satellite tracking studies financed with an EU-LIFE grant. ...Previous satellite tracking studies had shown that the Fennoscandian population had two different migratory routes, but the final destination for some of the population was largely unknown. In this early study, satellite-tracking showed that the main flyway for the geese went from their breeding area in the Fennoscandian mountains, through the Kanin Peninsula in Russia, south through eastern Hungary and finally to wintering grounds in the Evros River Delta, on the border of Greece and Turkey. ...

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