
Bird Identification 雀鳥辨識

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  求ID Attachment f6f 11/12/2019 1 / 4635 14/05/2022 20:30 by parrotkeen
  三寶鳥 Dollarbird ? derekhon2 26/04/2022 2 / 3175 14/05/2022 20:18 by derekhon2
  ID Please Attachment frankmak 30/04/2022 1 / 2143 30/04/2022 22:51 by frankmak
  ID Godwin-C 28/04/2022 0 / 2090 28/04/2022 16:49 by Godwin-C
  Is it a Pied Harrier Female? Attachment kfmak 24/04/2022 0 / 2170 24/04/2022 20:01 by kfmak
  赤腹鷹 Chinese Sparrowhawk derekhon2 18/04/2022 2 / 3216 19/04/2022 18:44 by derekhon2
  Raptor ID please (crested serpent eagle?) Attachment jipppbumade 17/04/2022 1 / 2553 19/04/2022 17:59 by Tom_Li
  棕扇尾鶯? Attachment M.L.YIP 3/04/2022 2 / 2796 3/04/2022 16:15 by M.L.YIP
  Intermediate Egret. 中白鷺? Attachment DCW 4/01/2013 1 / 4762 29/03/2022 17:32 by cgeoff
  Bird - ID please Godwin-C 28/03/2022 0 / 2374 28/03/2022 00:30 by Godwin-C
  Raptor ID Attachment bigbird 19/03/2022 1 / 2984 19/03/2022 10:56 by Marian
  Bunting ID please? Attachment hhtrail 1/03/2022 2 / 3056 1/03/2022 21:14 by hhtrail
  Is this Large-billed Crow?請問是否大嘴烏鴉? Attachment yk_lau2021 20/02/2022 5 / 3970 23/02/2022 14:26 by yk_lau2021
  請問雀鳥的名稱. Attachment M.L.YIP 2/02/2022 3 / 4395 3/02/2022 20:58 by M.L.YIP
  What bird is it? Attachment bigbird 22/01/2022 2 / 3373 23/01/2022 08:58 by bigbird
  Warbler ID Attachment aenckli 20/01/2022 1 / 2651 20/01/2022 15:17 by aenckli
  Myna ID (Tam Kon Chau road) Attachment birder_Fai 27/12/2021 2 / 3549 28/12/2021 19:43 by birder_Fai
  ID? Grey-cheeked Fulvetta? Attachment vba53 19/12/2021 2 / 4018 20/12/2021 19:37 by vba53
  Raptor ID (Hoi Ha) Attachment birder_Fai 13/12/2021 3 / 4092 15/12/2021 13:20 by birder_Fai
  Raptor ID - serpent ? Attachment K_Chan 14/12/2021 2 / 3152 15/12/2021 11:35 by K_Chan
  Blue flycatcher on Peng Chau 11 Dec 2021 Attachment thomaslegg 12/12/2021 1 / 3175 14/12/2021 13:12 by kmike
  American Wigeon 綠眉鴨 ? Attachment CHUI915 8/12/2021 2 / 3354 12/12/2021 11:43 by CHUI915
  紅尾鶇Naumann's Thrush? Attachment lamlam 30/11/2021 2 / 3615 5/12/2021 11:24 by lamlam
  Duck ID Please (Tufted Duck or Scaup or hybrid?) Attachment twaiyi 19/11/2021 0 / 2656 19/11/2021 14:35 by twaiyi
  Flycatcher ID please Attachment hhtrail 11/11/2021 2 / 3633 13/11/2021 11:09 by hhtrail
  Warbler ID please Attachment msamuel 9/11/2021 3 / 3291 12/11/2021 21:46 by msamuel
  Flycatcher ID please Attachment kc3018 6/11/2021 2 / 3791 10/11/2021 13:45 by kc3018
  1st Winter Blue-and-while Flycathcher? Attachment passerby-b 4/11/2021 0 / 2640 4/11/2021 11:49 by passerby-b
  Raptor? Wetland Park Attachment bigbird 31/10/2021 2 / 3447 1/11/2021 20:12 by bigbird
  Sulphur-breasted Warbler or Hartert's leaf Warbler coconutcat 25/10/2021 1 / 4303 29/10/2021 11:30 by HFCheung
  Besra or Japanese Sparrowhawk ? Attachment CHUI915 20/10/2021 2 / 3740 23/10/2021 11:02 by CHUI915
  澤鷸 Attachment 829ac 18/10/2021 1 / 3304 18/10/2021 20:55 by orientalstork
  Raptor ID Please Attachment CHUI915 12/10/2021 2 / 3405 14/10/2021 14:55 by CHUI915
  what bird? Attachment moto1068 5/10/2021 2 / 3666 6/10/2021 08:38 by moto1068
  Black-tailed Godwit? Attachment kc3018 4/04/2021 4 / 5334 5/10/2021 19:43 by badesc
  Harrier ID (MP) Attachment birder_Fai 3/10/2021 2 / 3674 3/10/2021 16:15 by birder_Fai
  ID please Attachment ilikewildlife 30/09/2021 6 / 4684 2/10/2021 14:55 by ilikewildlife
  ID of common tern vs roseate orientalstork 28/09/2021 1 / 3844 1/10/2021 19:02 by bittern
  ID please Attachment hibilly23 29/09/2021 2 / 3405 29/09/2021 13:30 by hibilly23
  Warbler ID Attachment birder_Fai 18/09/2021 2 / 3481 27/09/2021 22:39 by birder_Fai
  ID please Attachment kc3018 24/09/2021 2 / 4123 27/09/2021 14:33 by kc3018
  Is it Long-billed Dowitcher coconutcat 16/09/2021 2 / 3820 21/09/2021 13:33 by coconutcat
  Bird ID (PSO 1) Attachment birder_Fai 12/09/2021 2 / 3409 13/09/2021 14:02 by birder_Fai
  Bird ID(PSO 2) Attachment birder_Fai 12/09/2021 2 / 3042 12/09/2021 23:22 by birder_Fai
  Bird ID Please Attachment rolandlin 29/08/2021 2 / 3580 30/08/2021 14:35 by rolandlin
  Minivet ID please Attachment hhtrail 29/08/2021 0 / 2616 29/08/2021 18:04 by hhtrail
  Could anybody advise if this is a Common Ringed Plover (劍鴴)? Attachment happyman 19/11/2019 3 / 5162 16/08/2021 11:10 by cgeoff
  tern id (greater crested and white winged tern?)? Attachment orientalstork 4/08/2021 2 / 3565 5/08/2021 18:02 by orientalstork
  Bird Id please Attachment msamuel 27/07/2021 2 / 3930 29/07/2021 11:50 by msamuel
  Sound of an unknown bird xiang88 5/07/2021 5 / 4294 28/07/2021 14:32 by xiang88
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