
比氏鶲鶯 Bianchi's Warbler

比氏鶲鶯 Bianchi's Warbler

蒲台 Po Toi

Bill               Early enthusiast gets more birds


This bird has been the subject of much discussion, as to whether it might be a Plain-tailed Warbler.

I'm interested to hear what the experts think.

Whatever, good photos Bill.


I believe I saw the similar bird yesterday, but I was not able to take any picture.
I originally thought it was either Bianchi's or White Specticle Warbler when I saw it, without noticing the wing bar. I was not able to notice all the details of the bird with just 2-3s.

Recalling my memory from yesterday, I remembered the grey colour of crown did not extend to the front of the head. The black strip appear less dark in the background of grey colour. I agreed that it is Plain-tailed Warbler as well.
Tony Hung


There's a good chance it will still be on Po Toi over the weekend.

Photographers please note - let's get some more photos.

