
Mai Po 2025/01/15 and 22

Mai Po 2025/01/15 and 22

Jan 15:
Marsh Sandpiper AT

Jan 22:
Pied Avocet 33
Grey Plover E0
Whimbrel H0
Common Redshanks: 41 flagged out of around 400 on the mudflat. Hopefully I got the flags right


Thank you bigbird for so many sightings!

Here are the history of these birds:

Marsh Sandpiper AT - ringed 14-Jan-24 as 1st winter bird; 6 sightings from Mai Po including 2 from you in Mar and Apr 24.

Pied Avocet 33 should be S3 - ringed 3-Jan-25 as adult; 1st sighting.

Grey Plover E0 - originally ringed at J8 on 8-Mar-2012 as adult, so now at least 14 years old. Retrap on 4-Jan-22 with new flag E0 replaced. 30 sightings from Mai Po since 2012. Last seen Jan-2024. 1st sighting for this season.

Whimbrel H0 - ringed on 28-Sep-22 as 1st winter bird; 24 sightings from Mai Po including your sighting on 12-Mar-24.

Common Redshanks:

AB - ringed 10-Sep-21 as adult; 17 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; last seen Apr-24; 1st sighting of this 2024-25 season.

AH- ringed on 20-Sep-20 as 1st winter bird; 21 sightings from Mai Po; last seen earlier on 4-Jan.

AX - also ringed on 20-Sep-20 as 1st winter bird; 28 sightings from Mai Po and Tsim Bei Tsui; last seen earlier on 4-Jan.

CA - also ringed on 20-Sep-20 as 1st winter bird; 21 sightings from Mai Po; last seen Apr-24; 1st report for this season

CJ - ringed on 14-Nov-20 as adult; 20 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futain; you've seen this bird in Feb-23; last report in Apr-24; 1st report for this season.

CM - also ringed on 14-Nov-20 as adult; 13 sightings from Mai Po, Shenzhen Futian and one sighting from you on 26-Jan-24 at Tai sang Wai; last report on Nov-24.

CP - also ringed on 14-Nov-20 as adult; 15 sightings from Mai Po; last report earlier on 4-Jan.

DT - ringed on 14-Jan-21 as adult; 14 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; last report in Feb-23; 1st report for this season.

EA - ringed on 10-Sep-21 as adult; 14 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; last report in Apr-24 at Nam Sang Wai; 1st report for this season.

J8 - ringed on 19-Aug-2026 as 2nd winter bird; 13 sightings from Mai Po and HK Wetland Park; last seen Dec-23; 1st report of this season.

KT - ringed on 8-Nov-21 as 1st winter bird; 20 sightings from Mai Po including your sightings in Feb-23 and Oct-23; last seen May-24; 1st report for this season.

LW - ringed on 14-Apr-22 as adult; 16 sightings from Mai Po and Tsim Bei Tsui including your sighting in Apr-24; last report on 20-Apr-24; 1st report for this season.

LY - recently ringed on 3-Jan-25 as adult; 1st sighting.

LZ - ringed on 29-Apr-22 as adult; 4 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; you saw it in Apr-24; last seen May-24; 1st report of this season.

M4 - ringed on 10-Nov-18 as adult; 46 sightings from Mai Po, Shenzhen and also seen in Mongolia in 2020 and 2021 summer, assume breeding there; you saw this bird previously in Feb-23, Sep-23, Nov-23 an Aug-24; last seen Aug-24.

MY - ringed on 4-Mar-22 as adult; 30 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; you saw this bird before in Nov-23, Mar-24 and Apr-24; last seen by you on 9-Jan.

NT - ringed on 29-Apr-22 as adult; 10 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; last seen by you on 9-Jan.

PD - ringed on 2-Sep-22 as 1st winter bird; 10 sightings from Mai Po, 4 of them are from you; last seen by you in Apr-24; 1st report of this season.

PE - also ringed on 2-Sep-22 as adult; 18 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian; you saw this bird in Feb-23, Feb-24 and Apr-24; last seen May-24; 1st report of this season.

PW - ringed on 28-Sep-22 as adult; 4 sightings from Mai Po; last seen Mar-24; 1st report of this season

PY - also ringed on 28-Sep-22 as adult; 12 sightings from Mai Po; you saw this bird in Oct-22 and Apr-24; last seen earlier on 4-Jan.

SW - also ringed on 28-Sep-22 as 1st year bird; 7 sighting from Mai Po and Shenzhen; you saw it in Apr-24; last report in Aug-24.

TA - ringed on 25-Nov-22 as adult; only 3 sightings from Mai Po in Mar and Nov 2024.

TJ - ringed on 26-Nov-22 as 1st year bird; 12 sightings from Mai Po, Tsim Bei Tsui and Shenzhen; you saw it in Jan and May-23 and Mar-24; last seen earlier on 4-Jan.

TP - ringed on 28-Oct-22 as 1st year bird; only 3 sightings from Mai Po in Jan-Feb 23 and Feb-24.

UD - a bird originally ringed without flag on 10-May-2021; flag added on 2-Sep-22 as adult; 9 sightings from Mai Po; last seen earlier on 4-Jan.

UE - ringed on 2-Sep-22 as adult; 7 sightings from Mai Po and Shenzhen (3 are from you in Feb-23 and Feb-24); 1st report of this season.

UW - ringed on 28-Sep-22 as 1st year bird; 13 sightings from Mai Po; you saw this bird in Feb-23, Sep-23 and Mar-24; last report in Aug-24.

V9 - ringed on 26-Oct-19 as 1st year bird; 10 sightings from Mai Po; last seen Sep-2022.

XJ - ringed on 15-Nov-23 as adult; 2 sightings from Mai Po Jan and Apr 2024; 1st report of this season.

XN - also ringed on 15-Nov-23 as 1st year bird; 29 sighting from Mai Po; 9 of these are from you (Mar-24, Apr-24, May-24, Aug-24, Sep-24, Dec-24 and earlier on 5-Jan-25).

XP - also ringed on 15-Nov-23 as adult; this is the 1st sighting

XT - also ringed on 15-Nov-23 as adult; 6 sightings mostly from Nam Sang Wai; last seen earlier on 9-Jan-25 at Mai Po.

Y5 - ringed on 20-Sep-20 as 1st year bird; 23 sightings from Mai Po and Nam Sang Wai; last seen Aug-24.

YA - ringed on 17-Dec-23 as adult; 5 reports from Mai Po; you saw this bird in Apr-24; 1st report of this season.

YH - ringed on 14-Jan-24 as adult; only 3 sightings from Mai Po: Mar-24 and Oct-24.

YN - ringed on 5-Oct-24 as 1st year bird; 2 sightings from Mai Po.

YV and YY - both ringed on 1-Nov-24 as adult; 1st sighting.

Z4 - ringed on 20-Sep-20 as 1st year bird; 53 sightings from Mai Po and Sha Kiu; you saw it before in Sep-23, Nov-23, Mar-24, Sep-24 and on 9-Jan-25 earlier.

ZL - ringed on 1-Nov-24 as 1st year bird; you saw it earlier on 9-Jan.

Thank you so much!



Original posted by lkatherine at 4/02/2025 17:12
Thank you bigbird for so many sightings!

Here are the history of these birds:

Marsh Sandpiper AT - ringed 14-Jan-24 as 1st winter bird; 6 sightings from Mai Po including 2 from you in Mar and Apr 24 ...
Thanks for taking the time to provide such detail info! Appreciated!

[ Last edited by bigbird at 5/02/2025 10:25 ]

