
蓮花山觀鳥+攝影大賽 Bird race and photo competition in Lianhuashan

蓮花山觀鳥+攝影大賽 Bird race and photo competition in Lianhuashan

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    日期 Date: 5月28-30日 28th - 30th May
    地點 Site: 甘肅省蓮花山國家級自然保護區全境, 科研重地除外 Lianhuashan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province
    形式 Format: 40小時制, 非同步比賽; 每隊3-5人, 以隊為單位報名 40 hrs, no fixed starting time; 3-5 people per team
    報名 Enrollment: 3月30日 - 4月30日 30th Mar - 30th Apr

詳情請看附件 Please find the attached details (in Chinese only)


莲花山观鸟大赛报名通知.doc (41.5 KB)

6/04/2009 15:00, Downloaded count: 1241

Bird Race

第五届(莲花山)全国鸟类摄影年会报名通知.doc (32 KB)

6/04/2009 15:00, Downloaded count: 1153

Photo competition


The organizer offer free transportation, hostel, and food for the time you stay in the reserve for the bird race.  Please consider taking this opportunity if you feel like birding in that area.

HF Cheung


Lian Hua Shan, Gansu Province

At the last minute I was able to join the Lianhuashan Birdwatching Festival held from 28th to 30th May. It was organised by Ms. ZHONG Jia, Senior Editor of the "Peoples Daily" newspaper in Beijing and partially sponsored by Swarovski.

Teams arrived from all over China. About 50 birders were there from the 28th to 30th but some had already come and gone, taking advantage of a flexible 40-hours birding time period, teams being allowed to start from 00:01 on May 1st and finish before May 30th at 10:00. There was also a competition for photographers.

Established as a provincial reserve in 1982, Lianhuashan has been a National Nature Reserve since 2003.  A lot of active research is going on, with recording, ringing and monitoring of  many of the breeding phylloscopus warblers.

The reserve headquarters is 3 1/2 hours drive south of Lanzhou Airport.  Buses from Lanzhou's southern bus station run past the reserve entrance at Lian Lu.
After most birders had left I stayed on to birdwatch and take photographs in the area. There is comfortable accommodation at reserve HQs (elev.2,200m) and at Tong Fang Tan (elev.2,800m) at the edge of the "Core Area".

Lianhuashan is an interesting site from a birding point-of-view, with Blue Eared Pheasant, Chinese Grouse, Blood Pheasant, Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush, Crested and White-browed Tit Warblers among the resident birds.

Slaty-backed Flycatchers were breeding in the woods, Grey-headed Bullfinch and White-browed Rosefinch were common. Lianhuashan holds (thanks in large part to a nestbox programme) Sichuan Wood Owl and significant part of the isolated Chinese population of Boreal Owl, - race "beikianus".

The HQs contact phone number is 0930-4501199. There is a website:

For readers of chinese, there is more site information at these links

Here are a few photos..  I shall write up access and other details soon.

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 24/06/2009 10:28 ]


LHS_2501-01.jpg (122.88 KB)

23/06/2009 21:59

Opening Ceremony


LHS_2502-01.jpg (122.37 KB)

23/06/2009 21:59

Dawn on 28th May at Tong Fang Tan



Lian Hua Shan, Gansu Province

More photos..

Reserve Headquarters, Hotel at Lian Lu

Sha He Tan in the "Core Area"

View of Lianhuashan from "Core Area"

Accomondation at Tong Fang Tan  (2,800m)

Plumbeous Water Redstart 红尾水鸲

Rufous-vented Tit 黑冠山雀

Common Cuckoo 大杜鹃

Chestnut Thrush 灰头鸫

White-cheeked Nuthatch 白脸鳾

Three banded Rosefinch 斑翅朱雀

White-browed Rosefinch 白眉朱雀

White-browed Rosefinch 白眉朱雀

White-browed Rosefinch 白眉朱雀

White-browed Rosefinch 白眉朱雀

White-throated Redstart 白喉红尾鸲

White-throated Redstart 白喉红尾鸲

Siberian Rubythroat 红喉歌鸲

Grey-headed Bullfinch 灰头灰雀

Chinese Grouse

Blood Pheasant 血雉 (female)

Blood Pheasant 血雉 (male)

Boreal Owl 鬼鸮

Siberian Weasel 黄鼬- Mustela sibirica

Siberian Weasel 黄鼬 - Mustela sibirica


Wow~~~ seems to be a GREAT trip!

Thanks for sharing, esp. the useful information!

