PO TOI ISLAND IS AT RISK!!!!! 蒲台有難了!!!
On Saturday (25/11/2006) when I’m watching birds at the Cafe (糖水舖), I saw many flags in blue, yellow and white colour had been set up on the hill area opposite the store. I wonder what is going on?
The female boss of the store told me that a golf field is planning to build there, the flags are using as some measurement by the workers.
Although there are many graves around the hill, but some compensation to their families were in progress.
If it is true, what can we do???!!!
PO TOI ISLAND IS AT RISK!!!!! 蒲台有難了!!!
Photos will submitte later.
星期六(25/11/2006)我 在坤記士多(糖水舖)
觀鳥時發現很多黃色﹐藍色﹐和白色的旗遍插士多對面山頭﹐好奇地問事頭婆。 她說是某地產商興建高爾夫球場的用地﹐那些旗是測量用的。 雖然山頭有很多墳墓﹐但聽說已開始陸續收地賠償。
假如這是真的﹐ 愛好大自然及觀鳥的我們又能做什麼呢 ???