
Tai Mo Shan -- Summer 2011

The cuckoo calls are very late; I heard a Large Hawk Cuckoo at Po Lo Che, sometime between 11 and 19 July, and it struck me that that was already late, as 15 June is the normal sort of date after which you just don't hear them, it seems to me.

Of course, interestingly, due to a rather cool, dry spring (I believe!), they were late to start "full-on" calling this year.

Also termite events seemed both limited and late to me this year.

Mike Turnbull


The cuckoo calls are very late; I heard a Large Hawk Cuckoo at Po Lo Che, sometime between 11 and 19 July, and it struck me that that was already late, as 15 June is the normal sort of date after which you just don't hear them, it seems to me.

Of course, interestingly, due to a rather cool, dry spring (I believe!), they were late to start "full-on" calling this year.

Also termite events seemed both limited and late to me this year.

Mike Turnbull

