
White Wagtail ssp personata at Ping Che 16 Jan 2009

Personata Wagtail (photo)

Dear P K

It would be appreciated if you kindly tell the forum where and when you took the photo. From the day and time you posted it, it seems to be a photo of another bird you took some time ago.

Your understanding of my enquiry would again be appreciated.

S L Tai


White wagtail personata

Dear John

Thank you for taking your concern over my enquiry.

The matter here is that any one posting either a message or a photo or a reply should make known some
basic data. Obviously, date, time and location are important.

In P K's case, though his photo is obvious for some smart boys, I am not one of them. So I looked upon his photo implying guesswork as regards data stated above and therefore insisted a little on the convention agreed upon the forum. I hope I'm not asking too much upon him and any photographer who posts photos to the forum. Anyhow, his message must be supposed to be delivered to all, not insiders.

John, thank you again for your courtesy. I hope your kind has not become uncommon nowadays.

Lastly, I hope I have been at least objective and my messages have not been read to be delivered to offend and create general ill-feeling upon fellow birders.

S L Tai

