
[Outing] 2/5/2010 蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動 Po Toi and HK South Waters outing

If weather condition allows, I will spend more time on the sea rather than on the island. I plan to stay on Po Toi for about 2 hours only. Please prepare for this. Thanks!

如果天氣好的話, 我會儘量逗留在海上, 預計會在蒲台島上逗留兩小時, 請你們作有關準備. 謝謝!


Bird list of boat trip on 2 May 2010

Below are some bird species seen during the boat trip on 2 May. I did not keep the whole list and so participants are welcome to add the species not mentioned below.

Aleutain Tern x c.20
Common Tern x c.10
Black-naped Tern x 7
White-winged Tern x 5
Bridled Tern x 5
Arctic Skua x 3
Short-tailed Shearwater x 3
Ancient Murrelet x 1
Red-necked Phalarope x 50

Passage migrants (mostly on Po Toi)
Brown Shrike x 1
Arctic Warbler x 10
Horsfield's/Himalayan Cuckoo (previously called Oriental Cuckoo) x 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher x 1

Other common species
Black Kite, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Peregrine, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Eastern Reef Egret, Crested Mynah, Chinese Bulbul, Red-whiskered Bulbul

Plus, Finless Porpoise x 5

Many thanks for member participating this outing

Yu Yat Tung

