
Wild Boar on Po Toi

Wild Boar on Po Toi

There is a large wild boar in the birdwatching area of Po Toi, mostly around the sister's cafe but sometimes near the concrete helipad. Over the past three weeks I have seen it twice and disturbed it another four times, when it makes an annoyed loud grunt and charges off into the bush. It seems to be a single animal, possibly a male.
You can't see it until it moves, so you can get quite close without knowing.

Are wild boars dangerous? Having seen the size of it, I would not like to be on the receiving end of a charging boar.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 9/09/2010 18:08 ]


Thanks for the reassurance Beetle. I'll try not to stress it too much but it certainly stresses me when it suddenly grunts and crashes off a few feet away.

There is a population of wild boars on Po Toi. I've seen evidence before, but this is the first boar to be seen regularly so close to habitation. Certainly the locals are quite surprised.

There is probably also a small population of Barking Deer. Most of the island is very wild but with trees and bush in the valleys to support such animals, which must have swum there at some time.

