
Filming a Little Bunting

Filming a Little Bunting

I joined the hkbws in 2012 and my first activity with the society is bird watching in Long Valley on the first day of the year.  During the occasion I have learned a number of birds names only and most of them already forgotten when I boarded the minibus heading for Sheung Shui.  After a while I have applied an user id and started to log in to the discussion forum.  When I came to the personalized profile, I realized that I have to put up an avatar.  When I glanced through the avatars of the sisters brothers masters, I knew at once that in on way I can measure up to that standard.  (Just look at the detail of their birds gosh.)

With some deliberation I have decided how my custom avatar would look like.  At first I need to film a bird.  It should be small and almost appear black and white.  The image should reveal the shape pf the beak, the eye on one side, the body, the feet and in particular the tail.  In a cold winter morning, I went back to Long Valley with my camera and a 800mm reflective lens.  With all the luck I have gotten, I have filmed a Little Bunting standing on a wire in the open field.  

Later I used my 300mm lens as a background and planted the Little Bunting on the right lower hand column.  There is a proverb saying that you do not shoot a mosquito with a cannon.  However we bird watchers may not agree to this.  In bird watching circle, we always film a little bunting with a telescopic lens.




[ Last edited by kscheng at 20/02/2012 13:40 ]




我完全感受到您對鳥類的喜愛, 也對您拍到鳥兒的喜悅有所共鳴!

很可惜, 不久之後您將會發覺有一群"紅衛兵"式的自命衛道人士, 經常性地對其他愛鳥人肆意攻擊, 隨時上綱上線. 不幸地, 我們日常廣東口語說的"打雀"也是他們經常攻擊的目標, 請小心.



Shooting 在英語也常用作拍攝的意思,但中文〝打〞字用作拍攝意思,恐怕只在最近十年才有,我覺得文字應該可以不斷更新,不必墨守成規,但用語是否得當,能不能長久傳下去,社會自會慢慢有共識,大家可以積極參加討論,協助挑選一些質素高的用詞。





Well, in my humble opinion, "shooting" in contemporary Chinese settings bears dual meanings which are case-specific.

If the term is utilized among insiders who can immediately recognize the latent definition, it would be perfectly acceptable. But, the fact that there are thousands and thousands of people who are illiterate to this particular word may require our self-constrain when that term is used among outsiders and in circumstances accessible by the public.

For example, in the course of promoting bird-watching to the mass, avoiding the utilization of the term is perhaps the most preferred option, which I believe most of you agree with.

The varying connotations of words may be a stumbling stone for everyone on this platform. It would be the best that each of us can understand the intention behind out actions.

Understanding the necessity for substitution of this term in appropriate context, everyone can share the joy of bird-watching. Also, I believe you are respecting the rules of the Society when you display your tolerance.


我不是文字學專家, 也認同貴會於正式文件中不使用市井化的詞彙, 但絕不同意張先生所指

1. 參與鳥攝後, 我有機會接觸到不同領域的攝影愛好者, 他們玩沙龍攝影的, 很多都自稱"打龍" - 以我理解, "打龍"泛指各類拍攝, 人像風景都是"打". 嫌這個字俗, 可以不用, 但無權過問其他人使用該稱謂的權利.

2. 香港目下普羅大眾並無機會擁有獵槍/狩獵牌照, 打鳥沒有人會認為是指射擊/狩獵雀鳥. 所以這個立論, 無法成立.

3. "打"指攝影, 亦非香港或廣東話專有, 在國內, 在台灣, 一樣聽過. ("鳥來了, 快打啊!", "沒事就去打鳥...")

4. 社會是不斷發展的, 我們的文字用語亦然, 一個新的詞彙, 可能一年半載便盡人皆知. 斷背、豬扒、屈機等詞, 出現沒幾年, 還不是約定俗成, 無人不識? 先不說"打鳥"一詞是否真的只有十年歷史, 確立一個詞彙又何需十年?

5. 如果中文禁"打", 英文的"shoot"實有同樣情況. 貴會有否禁止用"shoot"? 不禁就是歧視囉.

張先生不願意使用"打鳥"、"打雀", 沒有人會干涉. 當然, 印象中也未見過張先生因別人使用該詞彙而粗暴干涉他人. 但某派系人士的所作所為, 有目共睹, 他們憑甚麼對人家說三道四?

[ Last edited by fkm at 10/02/2012 00:47 ]


觀乎這麼多爭論, 著眼點在於: 你放鳥兒在第一位, 抑或你的相片在第一位?

以我這個第三者看來, 什麼某派系人士, 對我來說什麼也不清楚.  只知道一些誤會或私人結怨, 有點不合適的放在這個討論區上, 每一次一個不知情的第三者偶有位置可給人借題發揮, 本身條thread的主題也消失了.  這對post message的那位人兄公平嗎?  

愛鳥與攝鳥並無抵觸, 只在其人心.  無論怎樣爭拗, 問自己:

1) 只看到鳥但拍不到好照片, 會略有所失嗎?  我不會, 我的相片是record purpose, 留待日後ID用, 拍得好是BONUS, 鳥去鳥來是自然的事.  問題是會不會放下(對拍不到好照片不打緊).
2) 若有所失, 不是錯.  再找機會吧.  但若果要去到那麼緊張的地步, 你問心當雀鳥是不是只是素材? 那為什麼影其他東西你不會這樣緊張?  什麼答案的辯護也好, 也只是兩個字:  私心.  你知道擁有野鳥不可能, 但希望可以留住牠最美的一刻, 所以要有照片.  但重點在於, 只要鳥兒生存的話, 就會有機會再見, 再拍好照片. 故我的思維是, 我希望牠好好的生存, 數目多了, 遷徙時再見到的機會自然多, 而只要每個人都這樣愛鳥, 多人觀察之下, 見到牠的機會又多了, 是一個很好的循環.  但一個私心, 只會令所有東西蕩然無存.  A君看到的不讓B君看, 雙方就像只練到一半武林秘笈, 兩者都不強(得不到最好的結果), 最慘的可能連HKBWS keep的record也不夠全面, 這些record可讓政府及市民知道大自然的珍貴, 令我們更加有說服力去叫政府保護大自然, 請記著, 雀鳥停在香港不是必然的事.  你們這樣做, 到頭來你們的目的真的做到了 - 沒有鳥, 就是在家欣賞那些爭崩頭爭到位影到好靚的相片而已!

望各位想長遠一點, 相片帶得落棺材?  係咪真係要燒一隻DVD俾你?  香港人係result-oriented, 唔著重過程, 但偏偏觀鳥這些興趣我覺得全是喜歡那個過程, 找鳥, 找到了, 很興奮, 和其他在場的鳥友分享, 有好相片的, 再post出來給其他鳥友分享, 最重要的是讓其他本來不懂愛鳥的城市人也開始愛鳥, 觀鳥.  我並不是, 亦不能要求每個人都這樣做, 其他人可能覺得"這樣太偉大, 自己做不到, 請讓我繼續自私下去".  你可以這樣做, 但我希望可以求同存異, 至少你不要破壞我的好事(我想不論A君B君都某程度上同意我所講, 若假定錯誤, 當我無講過算了).

不想把本身條thread的主題岔得太遠, 但不吐不快.  我本人只有單筒/雙筒望遠鏡, 我自問很尊重各位鳥攝者, 我有單筒, 倍數較高, 我遠一點觀察不是問題, 我知道大家要攞好位, 只要鳥兒不走, 我不介意.  但請大家明白每一個愛鳥者應該享受的是野鳥的自然行為, 什麼是自然行為我相信大家會明白, 道理就像大家不會多看籠中的鳥而看野鳥.  你為求要達到相片的最佳效果, 做出的一些行為令雀鳥不自然的話, 無形中其實是剝奪了這群只有單筒/雙筒望遠鏡的觀鳥者.  你們攝鳥諸君在爭拗, 我覺得不好受, 原因不是我看不到雀鳥的自然動態, 而是根本大家都可以好好享受觀鳥/攝鳥的樂趣但卻為那些無謂爭拗搞到分黨分派, 大家日日勞勞役役, 上班的同事可能已有小圈子, 香港的政治又已經是這樣令人疲憊, 你們喜歡的興趣也要這樣下去, 是攞苦黎辛, 抑或是承認自己像小學生嗌交互相告發給老師一樣的不成熟?  想想為什麼要這樣做可以嗎?

謹希望往後的留言能理性討論, 就算有一些敏感的話題, 都可像輝哥一樣對事不對人的態度來討論.  那些單單打打/雙雙打打, 只應在看球賽時見的吧, 各位鳥友對嗎?

[ Last edited by thinfor at 10/02/2012 12:46 ]
Manson Tsang


Dear KS/Stanley,

Welcome to HKBWS once again.  How is your trip to Long Valley.  I remember that it was me taking the outing.  May be you can give us some comment.

HF Cheung


Edited version

Apology in causing unnecessary disturbance to the discussion forum.  This is not my intention.  I have edited the original text.

Hello HF,
It is always fun to go bird watching with you.  You can always show us birds.  However for myself is a heavy exercise.  The Sunday past in Shing Mun, by listening to the calls you have identified a number of birds.  Yet their names I cannot even spell out.  (So the other day I have ordered a cd on birds calls.)  In future I'll still take the challenge to go bird watching with you.


完全明白, 不必介懷.
Manson Tsang



I appreciate the fact that you use the word "film", which is quite a neutral term. I believe word choice somehow reflects one's mentality. Also, your vocabulary, to a certain extent, reveals your education background.

Sometimes, insisting on one's own position may not be a necessary process, but of course I do not imply that is not a positive thing. We probably hold the same principle "We all love birds and respect them". So, what is the point of people using different sets of terms rallying others into their own camp ?




Original posted by thinfor at 10/02/2012 12:30
觀乎這麼多爭論, 著眼點在於: 你放鳥兒在第一位, 抑或你的相片在第一位?

以我這個第三者看來, 什麼某派系人士, 對我來說什麼也不清楚.  只知道一些誤會或私人結怨, 有點不合適的放在這個討論區上, 每一次一個不知情 ...


Original posted by HFCheung at 12/02/2012 18:03
我亦很小用"打" "shoot"字,不過我不介懷人家用甚麽字,只要內心不是那個意思便行,不理內容意思,只看表面用字便說人家不敬,未免太武斷.




Original posted by VRII at 22/02/2012 12:56

各位讀者自會有判斷, 與長短無關, 你沒有空看完整段文字, 大可像玩uno咁skip, 夠短未?

[ Last edited by thinfor at 23/02/2012 02:08 ]
Manson Tsang


Original posted by thinfor at 22/02/2012 22:35

各位讀者自會有判斷, 與長短無關, 你沒有空看完整段文字, 大可像玩uno咁skip, 夠短未?
個邊覆唔到你,呢度覆埋你好快又lock post

