
[Hong Kong] 支持蒲台郊野公園 Support Po Toi Country Park

支持蒲台郊野公園 Support Po Toi Country Park




香港觀鳥會就此設立「支持蒲台郊野公園」Facebook page,請大家按like並分享大家對蒲台島的關心、蒲台島的漂亮照片、歷史文化遺產.....等等!


1. 蒲台島擁有極高生態價值及科學研究價值,城規會應劃設具特殊科學價值地點(SSSI),
2. 蒲台島曾發現300種以上的雀鳥,當中包括多個香港首次記錄的品種;
3. 蒲台島是盧氏小樹蛙的棲息地,當局應加以保護;
4. 蒲台島擁有高康樂及景觀價值,支持劃設蒲台島作郊野公園;

Po Toi is the southern-most island of Hong Kong. The famous rock formations such as the Coffin Rock, Palm Cliff and Tortoise Climbing up the Mountain attract many hikers. Meanwhile, it is a natural habitat of the endemic Romer's Tree Frog which is internationally endangered. The special geographical location together with the natural environment makes the island a crucial refueling stop for migratory birds. More than 300 species - 60% of the Hong Kong Total - have been recorded from the island.

In early 2012 workers cleared vegetation on the island and put hundreds of concrete slabs on Po Toi, damaging the landscape and ecological value. In fact, the Planning Department has suggested in 2001 that Po Toi Islands should be zoned as Country Park but this has never happened.

We think that designating Country Park for Po Toi is the best way to protect its landscape, ecological, cultural and recreational values from destruction.

HKBWS has set up the "Support Po Toi Country Park" Facebook page, Please "Like" and share your views, photos, stories about Po Toi.

Please put the "Support Po Toi Country Park" logo on your photos of Po Toi's scenic views, cultural and recreational activities, animals and plants...and send together with your comments to the Town Planning Board ( and AFCD ( Deadline for sending comments to Town Planning Board is 2 May 2012(Wed)

Suggested opinions for your reference:
1. Po Toi has high scientific value and conservation value, the Board should designate "Site of Special Scientific Interest" for Po Toi;
2. More than 300 species of birds have been found on Po Toi including many Hong Kong 1st Records;
3. Po Toi is a natural habitat for Romer's Tree Frog and the government should provide extra protection;
4. Po Toi has high value in landscape and recreational activities and the Government should designate it as a Country Park...
...etc. That you can think of!

Logo 可於以下連結下載 The Logo could be downloaded from: [特別鳴謝貓魔鈴義務設計logo! / Special Thanks to MaoMorning for designing the logo!]
(白色white PSD format)
(白色white EPS format)
(黑色white PSD format)
(黑色white EPS format)


提供一個樣版讓大家參考, 請按個人意見作修改: A Sample for your reference, please amend according to your own opinion:

CC: cnokming @ (移除空格) <-請抄送本會自然保育主任作記錄, 張貼於本帖亦可。

Subject: 支持蒲台島劃作郊野公園,保護蒲台的科學保育價值 / Support Po Toi Country Park to save its scientific and conservation value

1. 蒲台島是重要候鳥補給站,是研究及欣賞遷徙雀鳥的一流地點,希望城規會肯定蒲台島的特殊科學價值,保育遷徙雀鳥覓食補給的地方;
2. 蒲台島亦是香港獨有、瀕危的盧氏小樹蛙的天然棲息地,其生境應得到保育;
3. 蒲台島擁有漂亮天然風光及地質景觀,加上各類傳統文化活動,亦應得到保護;
4. 劃設郊野公園可以讓天然環境及自然生態得到合適保護。
5. (請加入個人意見!)

市民 陳大文 <-記得附上名字!

I support Po Toi as a Country Park and I hope the Town Planning Board and AFCD could:
1. Recognize Po Toi's Special Scientific Value, protect and conserve the feeding habitats of migratory birds, As Po Toi is a crucial refuelling stop for them, and is also a prime site for studying and appreciating migratory birds;
2. Po Toi is also one of the few natural habitats for the Endemic and Endangered Romer's Tree Frog, their habitats should be conserved;
3. The Natural Beauty, Rock formations and Cultural Activites should aslo be protected;
4. Designating Country Park is the most appropriate way to protect all these.
5. (add your own opinion!)

Chan Tai Man <-Rember your name!

附件 Attachment:


Original posted by brendank at 28/04/2012 21:14
Does anyone know what is planned at the helipad? There is clearly construction underway. Today I observed a large pile of gravel and some large machinery on the helipad. Afraid whatever is planned mig ...
These are Government works being carried out by the Home Affairs Department and Lands Department, probably including improvement of helicoper pad and the footpath. The HKBWS office has asked for more information about the works, and we are still waiting for a reply.


HKBWS's Detailed Submission can be downloaded below.

Special thanks to Mr. Ruy Barreto S.C. for his expert advice, photographers who contributed photos to this submission, and MaoMorning for designing the "Support Po Toi Country Park" Logo.

當然少不了Geoff Welch在蒲台觀察及整理多年來的雀鳥記錄以及參與撰寫本報告!
And of course Geoff Welch who birded at Po Toi for years and compile all the records of birds at Po Toi, and participated in the writing of this report!


Although the deadline for submitting comments to Town Planning Board has passed, You can still send comments to AFCD (


城規會今天公佈蒲台群島發展審批地區草圖收到的175份申述,當中約80份支持保護蒲台島的生態價值及劃為郊野公園,另外竟有約90份意見希望發展所謂的紀念花園(骨灰場),包括發展商Splendid Resources Inc.


1. 到城規會的網頁 (;
2. 或電郵(提交意見。

1. 蒲台島擁有極高生態價值及科學研究價值,城規會應劃設具特殊科學價值地點(SSSI),香港觀鳥會的詳細申述文件亦已證明蒲台的生態價值;
2. 蒲台島曾發現300種以上的雀鳥,當中包括多個香港首次記錄的品種;
3. 蒲台島是盧氏小樹蛙的棲息地,當局應加以保護;
4. 蒲台島擁有高康樂及景觀價值,支持劃設蒲台島作郊野公園;劃作郊野公園後當局亦有責任改善當地的設施及推廣旅遊;
5. 早前島上的非法活動已破壞該區的景觀及生態價值,地政署亦正採取行動,當局應予以管制。

The Town Planning Board has published the 175 representations received, about 80 of them support protecting Po Toi's conservation value and support Country Park Designation. However, there are about 90 comments including the developer Splendid Resources Inc. supporting the development of the so called "Memorial Garden" (or "Columbarium").

We need your support to protect Po Toi! Please submit comments to the Town Planning Board on or before 15 June. Please clearly state "I support Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's representation (TPB/R/DPA/IPTI/1-4)" or the comments may not be recognized by the Board:

1. At Town Planning Board's webpage (;
2. By e-mail (。

Please state clearly "I support Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's representation (TPB/R/DPA/IPTI/1-4)" because:
1. Po Toi has high scientific value and conservation value, the Board should designate "Site of Special Scientific Interest" for Po Toi. Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's detailed submission have proven the conservation value of Po Toi.
2. More than 300 species of birds have been found on Po Toi including many Hong Kong 1st Records;
3. Po Toi is a natural habitat for Romer's Tree Frog and the government should provide extra protection;
4. Po Toi has high value in landscape and recreational activities and the Government should designate it as a Country Park. By doing such, the government has the responsibility to promote tourism and improve the public utilities on the Island;
5. The illegal activities on the island has damaged Po Toi's ecological and landscape value. The Lands Department has been carrying out enforcement actions and other relevant authorities should control these activities.


Yes the paper mainly focus on Po Toi Island. Nevertheless, HKBWS will also highlight the need of protection of other nearby islands during the hearing sessions of the Board, esp. waglan which is known to be an important site. Zoning of a "Conservation Area" would be the most appropriate if not a country park or special area. However, I guess the disturbances on Waglan are mainly come from recreational fishers and maybe some adventurers. This cannot be controlled through Town Planning system.

For the other islands they are not well studied due to inaccessibility, and that's why we did not provide much information on them. However, The planning department has recognized their value in terms of landscape quality.

The background document provided by the Town Planning Board is pretty well-written and is a good official reference document:

About the case in Lamma as brendan said, is turned down at the moment. If it comes out again, it may be possible for HKBWS to join hands with other green groups to act. The document Brendan talked about could be obtained from ... nutes/m456rnt_e.pdf

Beetle Cheng
HKBWS Conservation Officer


Two days left! Have you submitted your comments?


謝謝各位有去信城規會的朋友。城規會之後會聯絡有提交意見的市民,可以有權出席城規會會議在委員前表述意見,不過城規會會議大多在星期五下午舉行。若未能抽空出席的朋友,可以在facebook page或本論壇留下你的意見,觀鳥會代表會整理後在會議上代為表述大家的意見。


Thank you for everybody who submitted comments to the Town Planning Board. The TPB will contact you later and tell you that you can attend the TPB meeting and express your views in front of the Board members, but these meetings are usually held on friday afternoon. If you are not free to attend, you can leave your comments here, the representative of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society will try to collect all ideas and express them on behalf of you.

If you haven't submitted comments yet, you can still e-mail to AFCD, address:


Po Toi: Magnet for Migratory Birds and Potential Eco-tourism Hotspot by Dr Martin Williams
June 23rd, 2012 ... dr-martin-williams/


多謝各位關心蒲台的朋友! Thanks to everybody who cares about Po Toi!

城規會在最近一輪的諮詢共收到725份意見,經過觀鳥會的點算,當中約100份是發展商找到的支持者,另有十多份未能判斷立場,換言之,在這一輪中支持保育蒲台的公眾意見超過600份! 謝謝各位有提交意見的朋友!

希望城規會委員門能重視大部份市民的意見,接納環保團體的專業意見和建議, 規管蒲台島上的發展; 漁護署亦應該回應市民的訴求,設立郊野公園,為蒲台群島提供更佳的保護。

The Town Planning Board received 725 comments in the last public consultation. HKBWS found that about 100 of them are on the side of the developer, while we cannot determine the position of about a dozen of submissions. In order words, there are more than 600 comments supporting the conservation of Po Toi! Thank you so much for your support!

We hope that the TPB members can take the comments of the wider public, adopt Green Groups' professional comments and suggestions to conserve Po Toi Island by controlling developments; AFCD should also response to the public by setting up Country Park to better protect Po Toi and surrounding Islands.


膠粒事件最新消息(8月7日): 螺洲群島需要你! ... and-needs-your-help

Plastic Spill update (7 Aug): Beaufort Island needs your help! ... and-needs-your-help


HKBWS would certainly make representation on the meeting.
Members who are free to attend are welcome to join, and certainly HKBWS would try to consolidate all comments from birders/public as far as possible.

HKBWS Conservation Officer


本會得知鳥友收到城規會邀請於9月28日出席會議,若鳥友們未能抽空出席,可委託一位有能力表達你的意見的朋友出席會議。為了節省行政上及其他方面需要的人力,而且本會在會上將會有大量資料表述,本會不建議指派本會作為你的代表。不過,會員仍可(例如於論壇或facebook page)留下簡短意見或照片,本會屆時可以引用這些意見與相片。

You can assign anybody who are able to present your views. To save time and manpower in administration, and that HKBWS would have large amount of information to be presented during the meeting, you are NOT encouraged to assign HKBWS as the representative. However, members are welcome to leave us short messages or photos(e.g. on the forum or on the facebook page) with your name so that HKBWS can quote the views of HKBWS members during the meeting.
Please rest assured that HKBWS will make best use of our knowledge, including ecology on Po Toi, planning and environmental policies during the meeting to urge for better protection of Po Toi.

支持蒲台郊野公園 Support Po Toi Country Park

HKBWS Conservation Officer



發展商Splendid Resources Inc.在會前要求城規會押後會議,但城規會決定如期進行會議,及後Splendid 的代表未有出現於會議作表述。




The HKBWS with groups such as Association for Geoconservation, Alliance for The Concern over Columbarium Policy and Designing Hong Kong attended the Town Planning Board Meeting today. There were also a group of Po Toi villagers who object to the columbarium.

Before the meeting started, the developer Splendid Resources Inc. requested the Town Planning Board to defer the meeting but the Town Planning Board decided to continue the meeting as scheduled. After that, Splendid was not present at the hearing session of the meeting.

The groups expressed support to the Town Planning Board's draft plan to control development on the island but raised that designating Po Toi Islands as Country Park is the best to the environment and residents. HKBWS pointed out that the island is of very high ecological value and the habitats that require protection, as well as the reasons that columbarium use is not suitable on Po Toi.

Some villagers that objected to the columbarium development said that their opinions have not been reflected, and some even claimed that somebody used the name of the "Po Toi committee for organising festival events" ("蒲台島值理會") without having a consensus.

The Town Planning Board is still having an internal discussion. It is not sure whether they have the conclusion today but it is unlikely that the board would make decisions in favour of the developer.

TOP ... 8&55&872808


環 保 團 體 稱 蒲 台 島 具 生 態 價 值 促 限 制 發 展
2012-09-28 HKT 15:07
城 規 會 討 論 蒲 台 島 發 展 審 批 地 區 草 圖 , 反 對 在 島 上 興 建 骨 灰 龕 的 蒲 台 島 村 民 說 , 擔 心 影 響 風 水 , 造 成 心 理 壓 力 。

有 環 保 團 體 的 代 表 指 出 , 蒲 台 島 具 科 學 及 生 態 價 值 , 亦 是 候 鳥 棲 息 的 重 要 地 區 , 支 持 發 展 審 批 草 圖 , 限 制 島 上 土 地 用 途 。

不 過 , 聲 稱 受 蒲 台 島 值 理 會 及 部 份 村 民 委 託 的 規 劃 師 在 會 上 表 示 , 島 上 建 紀 念 花 園 有 助 帶 動 經 濟 活 動 , 希 望 土 地 用 途 平 衡 保 育 及 經 濟 發 展 。

計 劃 在 島 上 興 建 骨 灰 龕 的 發 展 商 代 表 , 不 滿 城 規 會 不 肯 押 後 會 議 一 至 兩 個 月 , 以 查 證 提 出 申 述 意 見 人 士 的 身 份 , 發 展 商 聲 言 會 提 出 司 法 覆 核 。


The Town Planning Board approved the Draft Po Toi Plan without amendments, The detailed planning on Po Toi will be decided during the preparation of the Outline Zoning Plan in the future 3 years. Green Groups and citizens concerned about the natural environment still need to fight in the future.

城規會通過限制蒲台島土地用途 (港聞)


