
Tai Po Kau Summer 2012

15 July 2012

While eating lunch at pick-nick area 3, a Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo flew in landed about 4 meters away from me on an exposed perch just above eye-level. My camera was right by me but the slight movement to pick it up caused the bird fly. So frustrating!! Also, a Besra, a Crested Serpent-eagle and 3 Hainan Blue Flycatchers (all females).


12 August 2012

What I think was the Bay Woodpecker was heard calling near Picnic Area 2. However, I now realize the "squirrel" call which I heard sound pretty similar between Grey-headed and Bay Woodpecker and with one reported last weekend I guess I can't rule out Grey-headed Woodpecker. But it was a woodpecker for sure.

Also two female Hainan Blue Flycatcher.


25 August 2012

A Male Blue-throated Flycatcher was seen briefly.

