
新會籍有效日期 New Membership Validity

新會籍有效日期 New Membership Validity



本會一直以來均以1月1日至12月31日作為會籍的有效日期 (即無論一年中任何日子加入都會以同年12月31日為到期日),然而,隨著會員人數增長,每年年底便變成續會或入會的樽頸,一些會員可能需要等候較長時間才能取得會員資料,為了令會員可以最快時間辦妥入會手續,分散年底的工作量,本會將會採用新方法計算會籍有效日期,詳情如下:



1. 新會員:新方法適用於所有2012年入會的新會員 (包括一年會籍或五年會籍)

  • 已經完成入會手續的一年會籍新會員,由於會員證及收據均以12月31日為到期日,本會將在年底前把新的會員證及會籍收據再寄給會員;
  • 已經完成入會手續的五年會籍新會員,待本會處理好一年會籍後,分批寄出新的會員證及會籍收據;
  • 現時開始辦理入會手續的新會員,將會立即以新會籍計算方法處理。

2. 五年會籍的舊會員:

  • 為答謝持有五年會籍會員的長期支持,本會將分批延長會籍的有效日期,以達至分散的目的;
  • 本會將分批寄出新的會員證及會籍收據

3.  其他會員:  以下一次續會日期開始計算



New Membership Validity

The Society has been practicing fixed membership validity for all members for years, i.e. annual membership valid from the 1st of January until the 31st of December, or in another words, membership cut off at the end of a year disregard of when the membership is put in force in the same year.

As number of members increased rapidly in past years, the year end now turns to be a bottleneck, where all renewals and new applications reach the office at a same time, and which has lengthened process time.  In view of diversifying heavy workload from year end to other months, a new system of membership validity will be introduced:

Annual membership will be valid for one whole year from date of approval,

i.e. if your annual membership is approved on 1st April, it will be valid until 31st March of next year. The same principle applies for 5-year membership.  

We would also allow a reasonable extra period to cover the process and mailing time when calculating the expiry so that members will receive their document before the valid date.  

1. New members:  the new membership validity applies to all new members joining us in 2012 (including both 1-year or 5-year membership)

  • for those whose 1-year membership is in force: new membership receipt and card with new expiry will be sent to replace the original one BEFORE YEAR END OF 2012.

  • for those whose 5-year membership is in force: new membership receipt and card will be sent after we have updated the 1-year membership.

  • for those who will join from now on: application will be processed based on the new system of membership validity.

2. Current members with 5-year membership:

  • As a token of appreciation to continuous support of 5-year membership subscribers, extension of your membership so as to diversify the validity will apply.  

  • New membership receipt and card with new expiry will be sent to replace the original one after we have updated the new members’.

3. Other members:  Membership validity will be determined based on your NEXT renewal date.



