
(outdated過期)香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds - 2012-07-03

(outdated過期)香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds - 2012-07-03

The next update List of HK Birds is available at:


Latest "List of HK Birds" with Chinese Name

  • Latest List of HK Birds revised by the Record Committee (513 species), with Chinese Name revised by Chinese Bird Names Committee.

  • 以下是最新修訂的香港鳥類名錄,此名錄以紀錄委員會發佈的最新版本為藍本(513鳥種),再加上由中文鳥名委員會最新修訂的中文名字。

List of HK Birds 香港鳥類名錄
HK_List_Categories_I_II_513_20120703.pdf (218.81 KB)
HK_List_Category_III_20120703.pdf (46.06 KB)

Unusual Record Form 罕有雀鳥紀錄表格
Unusual_Record_Form.doc (35 KB)

The species category definition is as follows:

Category I: species that have been recorded in an apparently wild state in HK.

Category IIA: southeast China breeding species, the currently established HK breeding population of which is considered to derive from captive stock, but which probably occurred in HK prior to habitat changes.

Category IIB: extralimital species that, although originally introduced to HK by man, maintain a regular feral breeding stock without necessary recourse to further introduction.

Category IIC: previously established feral species.

Category III: species for which all published HK records are considered likely to relate to birds that have escaped or have been released from captivity.

*Category III species do not form part of the official HK List which is only Category I and II species and currently stands at 513.


第   I  類﹕ 在香港有明確野生紀錄。
第 IIA 類﹕ 中國東南部地區繁殖的鳥種,現時在香港的繁殖群落被認為是由逃逸的籠鳥所繁衍的,
第 IIB 類﹕ 非原居鳥種;經人為引入香港,現無需靠額外幫助已能繼續繁衍。
第 IIC 類﹕ 曾經在香港有野生群落的鳥種。
第  III  類﹕ 根據已發表所有香港紀錄顯示,此鳥種可能在飼養時逃逸或人為放生。

*第 III 類鳥種並非香港鳥類名錄正式確認的鳥種, 香港鳥類名錄只包括第 I 類及第 II 類現共有513鳥種。


The next update List of HK Birds is available at: ... e%3D1&frombbs=1

