
Warbler ID please

Not a typical Hume's which would not show such green finges to the flight feathers and tail and the blackish centres to the greater coverts.  However, inornatus nevers shows such cold plumage tones to the head (and lacking any yellow in the super) and mantle at this time of year and the black legs, feet and claws and to a lesser extent the large area of dark on the lower mandible is never shown by inornatus and is classic Hume's.

For me, a slightly odd Hume's Leaf Warbler.  It is also worth nothing that much of what is known about the id of Hume's relates to nominate humei, and there is much to learn about the id of mandelli, which this bird could well be/probably is...  I recall seeing mandelli many years ago in Yunnan in winter and being struck by how green the fringes to the primaries were.

[ Last edited by lpaul at 15/10/2012 08:41 ]

