
Arctic Warbler sp?

Hi Geoff

We all saw lots of Arctic Warblers today, but they were generally quiet. At least one seen was very yellowish on throat and belly, but I don't know if anyone got good photos of it. Abdel and I heard two different ones calling, but could not agree whether their calls were the same or different ... so I am afraid we cannot be of much help here.

As for the sonograms. Although the call you recorded looks more similar to examinandus than to the others, it still doesn't really resemble it very well, as far as I can see. For instance, the pitch range you recorded starts at 1.5 kHz and extends up to 7.5 kHz, whereas PA's examinandus from 3 to 6.5. And the two parts of the call do not overlap in pitch. Also, the timing doesn't match very well, with PA's example being more regular. I don't know if these are significant factors, just saying.


