
[China] 如東發現帶旗標的勺嘴鷸 sighting of marked spoon-billed sandpiper

如東發現帶旗標的勺嘴鷸 sighting of marked spoon-billed sandpiper

This is another big news from Rudong since 106 Spoon-billed Sandpiper was counted last year!
A rare sighting of a marked spoon-billed sandpiper on migration was reported last weekend from Rudong, China.
The critically endangered bird was identified by a lime green plastic flag on its leg marked ‘01’ that was attached by scientists from Birds Russia on its breeding grounds this summer. Conservationists know that this bird ‘Lime 01’ fathered six fledglings this summer – three that were hand-reared by conservationists and three that he raised himself. In all, this summer sixteen hand-reared spoon-billed sandpiper fledglings and eight adults were marked with uniquely inscribed plastic leg flags. Birdwatchers are being asked to report all sightings of spoon-billed sandpipers

Note that the photos of the marked bird were from Michelle and Peter Wong from our society!

Wish the kids will meet their father eventually!

這只被套上淺綠色及編號”01”腳環的雄性勺嘴鷸在今年夏天在俄羅斯東部的繁殖地被環志, 牠還有6只幼鳥, 其中3只由人工飼養, 3只由這位勺嘴鷸爸爸親自養育。 今年夏天,16只人工飼養的勺嘴鷸幼鳥和8只成鳥套上了淺綠色的腳旗。現在在如東已經出現了大批的勺嘴鷸在過境了, 各位鳥友請一起留意南下的勺嘴鷸~

而在如東拍到這只”01”勺嘴鷸的鳥友是我們鳥會的Michelle and Peter Wong!!


Press release source新聞稿:
香港觀鳥會 HKBWS


One more note: this marked SBS is molting! 留意這只勺嘴鷸在換羽!
香港觀鳥會 HKBWS

