
兩次高潮的那一朝 The morning of two high tides

兩次高潮的那一朝 The morning of two high tides

Photos taken on 10 May 2014 at Mai Po mudflats.
Some species' names may be wrong - please rectify as appropriate.  Thanks.

Curlew Sandpiper 彎嘴濱鷸

Red-necked Stint 紅頸濱鷸

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 尖尾濱鷸 [corrected from 'Long-toed Stint' as commented by John; Thanks John!]

Ruddy Turnstone 翻石鷸

Kentish Plover 環頸鴴

Red Knot 紅腹濱鷸

Red-necked Phalarope 紅頸瓣蹼鷸

White-winged Tern 白翅浮鷗

Gull-billed Tern 鷗嘴噪鷗

Whiskered Tern 鬚浮鷗

Little Tern 白額燕鷗

Greater Sand Plover 鐵嘴沙鴴

Terek Sandpiper 翹嘴鷸

Whimbrel 中杓鷸

Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺

Common Sandpiper 磯鷸

Sanderling 三趾濱鷸

Chinese Egret 黃嘴白鷺

Pacific Golden Plover 金鴴

[ Last edited by irsychan at 18/05/2014 03:23 ]


Due to the 800kB per 24 hrs limit, more photos can only be uploaded tonight.


Thanks John and the name has been rectified.
Four more birds added.


More photos added.

