
觀賞燕鷗守則 Code of Conduct for Tern Watching and Photography

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觀賞燕鷗守則 Code of Conduct for Tern Watching and Photography


1. 請勿在繁殖季節(五月至九月)登上有燕鷗繁殖的小島,此舉會對騷擾雀鳥,減低牠們成功繁殖的機會。

2. 在繁殖地附近觀賞或拍照,均應在船上進行。

3. 避免製造噪音,例如叫囂、響號、使用揚聲器或播放聲響。  

4. 如遇到有人蓄意干擾燕鷗繁殖,請即向漁農自然護理署舉報〈電話:2471 4411〉。若情況許可,請拍照為證。



The annual tern breeding season has begun.
Last year we had some unhappy incidents in which people landed on Tern Island to take photos.
To prevent the same from happening again, I would like to highlight the code again.

1.  Do not land on islands with tern breeding colonies during the breeding season (May to September).
This will disturb the birds and reduce their breeding success.

2.  Tern watching and photography at the colonies should only be carried out on boats.

3.  Keep quite – no shouting, sounding horns or use of loudspeakers.

4.  If you find people causing disturbance to breeding terns on purpose, report immediately to AFCD (Tel. 2471 4411).
If conditions allow, take photos as evidence.

In Hong Kong, all wild birds including terns are protected under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Chapter 170).
It is illegal to willfully disturb or cause harm to wild birds, or to take away their eggs or nests.
Persons found guilty may face a fine up to HK$100,000 and 1 year in prison.

[ Last edited by BWA at 28/03/2009 02:28 ]

