
沉積物加積研究 Sediment Accretion Study

沉積物加積研究 Sediment Accretion Study

內后海灣沉積物加積研究 Sediment Accretion Study in Inner Deep Bay Area  

香港中文大學將由2018年9月1 日至2019年8月31日於內后海灣泥灘上進行為期一年的沉積物加積研究。屆時,研究人員將會每月兩次進入泥灘範圍量度數據,直至完成研究。若為閣下構成任何不便,盼請見諒。如欲查詢進一步資料,請聯絡米埔辦公室:2471-6212。
From 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2019, a group of researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong will enter the Inner Deep Bay mudflat twice a month to carry out field measurements for studying the magnitude of change in the surface elevation of the Area. We apologies for any inconvenience or disruption this may cause.
If you have any enquiry, please contact the WWF Mai Po Office via 2471- 6212.


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10/09/2018 14:17

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