
Hong Kong engraved leg flags 香港號碼足旗

I've got reguraly one Terek Sandpiper overwintering in Xitou, about 150 km west of Macau on the coast, with a maximum count of 4 on middle of january. So undoubtly a few more are overwintering along the Guangdong coast in more suitable habitat for the species.



Sorry for posting twice this thread, but I thought it was a good idea to post it here again :

Guangdong ENGRAVED FLAG : Informations
Dear All,

In the matter of a study on Swinhoe's Plover and Kentish Plover subspecies in South China, a new marking programm has been set up on waders. Facing a lack of color combinaisons for flag in Asia, decision has been taken that the same code as the HongKong one will be used since it is the same geographic region.
Anyway we've tried to make some differences with the bird flagged in HongKong and the one will be flagged on the Guangdong coast.
So in the future please paid attention to the following details :
- Birds flagged in HongKong :
Color combinaison and Flag Shape : White over Yellow on RIGHT LEG, both Flags are square ended
Metal ring : on LEFT LEG
Engraving combinaison and position : for the moment 1 LETTER following by 1 NUMBER, both YELLOW and WHITE FLAG are engraved

-Birds flagged in Guangdong :
Color combinaison and Flag Shape : White over Yellow on LEFT LEG, Yellow flag square ended, White Flags angle ended
Metal ring : on RIGHT LEG
Engraving combinaison and position : 2 numbers, only YELlOW FLAG is engraved

I join 2 pictures below for example.

The first trapping session has occured last week, a total of 17 birds has been flagged, including 10 Swinhoe's / Kentish Plover, 4 Greater Sand Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper and 1 Dunlin. Please note that even the study is only on Kentish and Swinhoe's Plover, other species will also be flagged, so please be carrefull in the future when encountering a flagged bird and paid attention to the above description. I will reguraly update here the list of the species has been flagged in Guangdong.

In case of any resighting in HongKong or anywhere else, you can post it following the dedicated thread on shorebirds category.




SwinhoesPloverFemaleDSCN5714ChinaGuangdongXitou20120321.jpg (170.77 KB)

25/03/2012 20:46

Swinhoe's Plover Female Guangdong Xitou March 21st 2012


KentishPloverMaleIMG_0256ChinaGuangdongXitou20120322.jpg (145.19 KB)

25/03/2012 20:46

Kentish Plover Male Presumably ssp Nihonensis Guangdong Xitou March 22nd 2012



I've made a mystake about the HK flag combinaison, the metal ring is putted on the right leg, same leg as the flags but on the tarsus, where on the birds flagged in Guangdong, the metal ring is on the opposite leg of the flag (right leg also) but on the tibia.
Soory about that.



From the boardwalk this morning :
Common Greenshank A6
Eurasian Curlew A3


A Terek's Sandpiper with HK flag engraved K2 was this morning 24th of
may at Xito near Yangxi city, on the Guangdong coast.



Original posted by John Holmes at 5/04/2016 18:33
At the boardwalk, MPNR today 5th April 2016

Common Redshanks H8, R6

Terek Sandpiper T2

Pied Avocet H7
Interestingly, we've resighted the Terek Sandpiper T2 at Xitou on 3rd of April, so it takes 2 days for her to cover the distance which is nothing incredible but quite interesting as the last Terek Sandpiper from HongKong that was resighted at Xitou a few years ago, the K2,  also had been resighted shortly after at Hong Kong, they seems to like do some small jump along the coast from a site to another...T2 seems to be quite showy as it is the same bird that has been resighted recently in Russia as JohnA mentionned in a earlier post.

