
有關到燕鷗島拍攝照片的討論 Discussion on Taking Photos at Tern Islands

Original posted by 深藍-Owen at 1/08/2007 17:55
[quote:e54db8d0b4="tbob"]...As a member of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, which runs this BBS, my concerns are always for the reputation of the Society.
I have stated publicly befor ...
hmm... I'm a non-member who just registered with this forum.
I've been doing kayak birding lately, this may be a better way to watch the seabirds without disturbing them that much  ... every now and then, I've come across people landing on those islands where terns are breeding ... some hiking groups even organised cruise to visit there ... you may find photos (in hiking books) they took near the man-made nests ... alas!
actually, during my latest trips in spring, they've been seen flying in areas (not to be disclosed) close to human dwellings (over the sea/not on land) with busy marine traffic ...
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