
有關到燕鷗島拍攝照片的討論 Discussion on Taking Photos at Tern Islands

對不起, 要在這個熱烈的討論中加一把咀了...

看這些帖子, 開始覺大家加添了一點人身攻擊的成份了...大家都是觀鳥會的會員, 會員間的尊重是少不得的呵!  :wink:

其實說到"保育"工作, 最重要的是一顆心. 既然大家當初選擇加入觀鳥會, 選擇成為這個組織的一份子, 相信大家都是支持鳥會的宗旨的. 還記得鳥會的宗旨是什麼嗎?

1. 推廣鳥類學研究,以瞭解鳥類的生態
2. 提倡欣賞及認識雀鳥
3. 推廣鳥類、野生動物及自然生態的保育
4. 推廣遵守保護鳥類的法例,特別是野生動物保護條例

"公說公有理, 婆說婆有理", 最終只會爭持不下.
冷靜下來後, 想一想觀鳥會的宗旨, 再想一想當初為何對雀鳥著迷, 便會發現"雀鳥的幸福"才是一切. 對雀鳥來說, 牠們只想在這不斷發展的城市裡找一個安樂窩.

Sorry, I want to interrupt the hot discussion...

Some of these posts seems to be getting personal ... afterall, there should be mutual respect among all HKBWS members :wink:

The most important thing about bird conservation is our heart.  As members of the Society, I believe we are all in support of the Society's objectives.  Can you recall what they are?

1.  Promote the study of birds to understand their ecology
2.  Promote the enjoyment and understanding of birds
3.  Promote the conservation of birds, wild life and nature
4.  Promote the observation of laws on bird protection, especially the Protection of Wild Animals Ordinance

If everyone insists on his / her own point, the result will be a deadlock.

Cool down.  Think about the Society's objectives.  Then think about why you become interested in birds.  You will find that "welfare of the birds" is most important.  To them, they are just trying to find a home in this ever-developing city.

Translated by Moderator

