
有關到燕鷗島拍攝照片的討論 Discussion on Taking Photos at Tern Islands

With all these debating going on, I have to say, that there will always be people on this earth that takes the nartural world for granted. They won't think about conserving the natural resources and wildlife on earth as important, as they don't think it matters.

Frankie, I have heard stories about non HKBWS members complaining about HKBWS members telling them off. for example like some one being too loud or some one have their camera lens stuck out of the bird hides etc. But terns breeding site have always been a very controversial subject, it is well known that disturbance by human can cause terns to abandon their chicks. So we should all becareful on who we tell about the terns islands, because if the information get into the hands of people who will disturb the terns just to take good photos, it will be too late to stop.

So, why the HKBWS told your friends off were not to just find some one to blame on! It was for the sake of the terns! As there are so many proofs now to suggest that human activities will reduce the number of breeding terns, as we can all see, the number of terns are dropping in a significant amount!

If the breeding terns population continues to drop because of people who just want to take photos disturbs the colonies, this act should be stop!This is why we are trying our best to educate citizens of Hong Kong that we should have respect for the natural environment! This is also a part of sustainable development and green tourism.

So Frankie, if the acts of HKBWS members telling people off offends you, I am very sorry, but sometimes this is what needs to be done. Not saying I agree that people uses the name of HKBWS to tell people off, but sometimes when we see someone going over the top, it is our responsibility to try and stop those acts immediately!
As The Crow Flies- a Hong Kong Birding Blog

