提交2023年觀鳥記錄 Submission of 2023 bird records
香港觀鳥會每年將收集香港的鳥類記錄,用來出版《香港鳥類報告》。為了簡化記錄提交及保存過程,我們鼓勵觀鳥者填寫標準化的記錄表格來提交鳥類記錄。此記錄表格「2023_Records.xls」可在此下載。填寫完成後,請以電郵方式發送至香港觀鳥會記錄委員會(recorder @ hkbws.org.hk)(中間沒有空格)。你的貢獻將會在鳥類保護和研究方面的持續努力做出重大貢獻。
the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society compiles and publishes comprehensive bird records in the annual "Hong Kong Bird Report". In order to streamline the record-keeping process, the society encourages birdwatchers to submit bird records with filling a standardized record form. This record form “2023_Records.xls” can be downloaded here. Once completed, please kindly send this in email to the HKBWS Record Committee (recorder @ hkbws.org.hk)(no space in between). Your contribution will contribute significantly to the Society's ongoing efforts in bird conservation and research.
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