
[Ducks] Cotton Pygmy-goose 棉鳧

Cotton Pygmy-goose 棉鳧

Mai Po 米埔

The Cotton Pygmy Geese (two in immature/eclipse plumage) were showing very well on Pond 20 to at least 1 pm today.

If they remain where they were, those wishing to see them should approach the small tower hide overlooking Pond 20 from the concrete path to the south of Pond 16/17.

From the tower the birds could be seen easily at a range of c. 80 m (or perhaps a little less), looking slightly to the right towards the Fence.

The date of occurrence of these birds fits exactly in the period of the two old records (23 Oct. 1974 and 31 Oct. 1976, with an unsupported record of one shot on 25 Oct. 1931, as well as one unsupported record of a bird shot in September 1969).

It seems this species maintains a toehold in S. China, though I guess they could originate from, say, Vietnam.

Mike Turnbull

