
Ng Tung Chai Winter 2008/9

26 Dec, 07:30-10:30

Not far from the village entrace a singing (white-cheeked) Ashy Drongo attracted my attention. It was still present there when i leave at 10:20 but when a number of holiday hikers arrived, it flew away together with the wave of minivets.

Between temple and waterfall there was a wave of >20 Striated Yuhinas. A bird wave then follow by, which include large number of white-eyes. When i was observing the warblers & white-eyes inside the wave, a White-throated Fantail appeared. However i could only see its unmistakenable tail clearly before it flew down the valley.
When i leave i saw again the Ashy Drongo, and at the same place i meet another bird wave including warblers, minivets, Grey-headed Flycatchers & a Verditer Flycatcher.

[ Last edited by Beetle at 26/12/2008 12:23 ]

