
[Herons] Malayan Night Heron

Malayan Night Heron

Po Toi
First seen on Tuesday 5th May 2009. Still present to day, Thursday 7th May.

This is an immature bird, about 1 year old? It looks nothing like the adult bird in colour, only in shape.

It runs away rather than flying.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 7/01/2010 06:33 ]


Thanks John. I was beginning to think Malayan Night Herons have become old hat in Hong Kong.

I've told Mike Turnbull where this bird can be found. The problem is, it feeds around a narrow path. If everyone is responsible, there is a good chance for all to see it. However, if one person scares it away, then no-one will see it.

Don't forget - there's probably a Blue-winged Pitta there as well. Of course, it doesn't perform to the galleries like the Futian bird but at least it's a Hong Kong bird.

