
塱原觀鳥注意事項 Important note for birding in Long Valley

塱原觀鳥注意事項 Important note for birding in Long Valley

1. 塱原大部份屬私人土地,請尊重村民和農友,切勿破壞任何物件及農作物;
2. 農友會在農田的四周種植農作物,所以在塱原行走時請小心不要踐踏農作物,亦請不要因為路窄而走到農田中,如遇路窄或有阻礙物,請繞路而行,不要嘗試跨過,以免造成不必要損失;
3. 請愛惜郊野環境,切勿亂拋垃圾,吸煙或喧嘩;
4. 駕駛者請勿將車輛停泊在村屋附近,以免阻塞居民出入,並且應將聯絡電話放置在車頭當眼處,以便聯絡。

Important note for birding in Long Valley
Recently, many bird watchers and photographers were attracted to Long Valley since some rare birds e.g. Japanese Quail and Black-headed Bunting etc., were recorded there. However, please be very careful that:
1. Long Valley is mostly owned by private landowner and managed by farmers, please respect local residents and farmers, do not damage anything and crops in the field;
2. Farmers plants crops around farmlands. So please be careful when you are walking in Long Valley. DO NOT step on the crops. And DO NOT walk into the farmlands even if the path is blocked. If the path is blocked, please use another path. To avoid unnecessary lost, don’t try to pass through the barrier.
3. Protect the natural environment, do not litter or smoke. Please keep quiet.
4. For all drivers, please do not park your car near village houses. Leave your contact number in front window of the car in case of any blockage.
Thank you for your cooperation!

