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Activities 活動

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Indoor] 秋季觀鳥講座強勢回歸! HKBWS_KaYun 6/09/2024 0 / 239 6/09/2024 19:31 by HKBWS_KaYun
  [Indoor] 25/5網上講座-【與你細說-如何審視香港鳥類紀錄】 HKBWS James 14/05/2021 0 / 5051 14/05/2021 12:22 by HKBWS James
  [Indoor] 24/7/2019 講座Talk: 這麼近那麼遠-朝鮮觀鳥 Birding in DPR Korea Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 17/06/2019 2 / 7174 25/07/2019 16:06 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 20/6/2019講座Talk:一生難得的觀鳥體驗Once in a Lifetime BW Experience Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 17/05/2019 2 / 7414 21/06/2019 18:40 by nfelix
  [Indoor] 28/2/2019室內講座Ind Mtg:婆羅洲雨林深度遊–人與自然探索之旅 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 4/12/2018 1 / 6182 21/06/2019 12:47 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] IWA-ASPIRE 2019 Attachment HKBWS WY 5/06/2019 0 / 7114 5/06/2019 16:04 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 雀鳥鳴聲錄音初階 Bird Call Recording for Beginners Attachment HKBWS Vicky 19/08/2011 9 / 14751 26/05/2019 14:03 by K_Chan
  [Indoor] 10/1/2019室內講座Ind Mtg: 夜行探趣 Fun nights with wildlife Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 7/11/2018 2 / 5333 11/01/2019 13:00 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 2019 室內講座Indoor Meeting Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 7/11/2018 0 / 7026 7/11/2018 10:52 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 7/11/2018 Talk - England’s Royal Bird-The Story of a Mute Swan Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 16/10/2018 1 / 6754 31/10/2018 09:45 by HKBWS Tung
  [Indoor] 16/10/18講座Ind Mtg:大鵬金翅鳥的遷徙之旅Migration Journey of Garuda Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 31/08/2018 1 / 6015 16/10/2018 19:37 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 14/9/2018 室內講座Ind Mtg: 土地供應是否咁抵得諗? Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 31/08/2018 1 / 6693 4/09/2018 11:36 by HKBWS Suet Mei
  [Indoor] 歷史的傳承-文物講座系列 Attachment HKBWS WY 25/01/2018 1 / 5885 29/03/2018 13:06 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 1/3/18水口婆婆的山歌放映及討論會Screening of Rhymes of ShuiHau Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 12/02/2018 2 / 6933 28/02/2018 18:53 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 9/2/2018《守望飞羽》讀書會 Reading Club for 《守望飞羽》 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 16/01/2018 2 / 6146 8/02/2018 18:41 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 1/2/2018 Talk(at HKU): Addressing The Threats To Birds In Asia Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 17/01/2018 1 / 6785 24/01/2018 10:26 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 2018 室內講座Indoor Meeting Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 16/01/2018 0 / 8180 16/01/2018 13:00 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 樹木保育專題講座-樹葉吹奏 Attachment HKBWS WY 22/11/2017 0 / 5499 22/11/2017 12:18 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 神話之鳥:中華鳳頭燕鷗復育計劃-成果與前瞻 Attachment HKBWS WY 20/11/2017 0 / 5079 20/11/2017 12:56 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] A Plastic Ocean - documentary screening & post-screening discussion Attachment HKBWS WY 6/11/2017 0 / 5307 6/11/2017 11:52 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 【從觀鳥到愛護自然】講座 Attachment HKBWS WY 17/10/2017 3 / 6944 3/11/2017 14:09 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 13/12/17講座Ind Mtg-外來兩棲爬行動物對本地生態系統的影響 HKBWS Bonnie 26/09/2017 0 / 6107 26/09/2017 14:44 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 13/9/17 簡介會~非洲博茨瓦納觀鳥及世遺三角洲考察之旅 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 5/09/2017 1 / 6679 14/09/2017 15:32 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 16/8/2017室內講座Ind Mtg:鳥性.人性Bird Nature & Human Condition Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 29/05/2017 2 / 7951 14/09/2017 15:31 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 27/7/2017 室內講座 Ind Mtg : 去看天堂鳥和十種翠鳥 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 29/05/2017 2 / 7873 26/07/2017 10:43 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 12/7/2017 IndMtg室內講座:BirdlifeOf Falkland Islands福克蘭群島的雀鳥 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 26/06/2017 1 / 6193 13/07/2017 13:14 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 《老鷹想飛》電影欣賞及導演座談會-導演分享片段 HKBWS Vivian 19/04/2017 0 / 5606 19/04/2017 11:48 by HKBWS Vivian
  [Indoor] 25/3/17(六) 講座:《生命的樂章》新書發佈 暨 作者分享會 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 13/03/2017 3 / 6993 3/04/2017 11:22 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 9/3/2017室內講座Ind Mtg:烏干達觀鳥追猩Uganda~Gorilla/BirdWatching Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 19/01/2017 2 / 7528 8/03/2017 15:31 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 12月28日《老鷹想飛》香港首映 - 導演親臨 Attachment HKBWS Yun 3/11/2016 2 / 8375 3/03/2017 11:16 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] Prof Wei Shyy – From Natural Flyers to Advances in Aerospace Engineering Attachment HKBWS WY 20/02/2017 0 / 6057 20/02/2017 17:35 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 史維教授講座 – 從飛禽翱翔到航空新發展 Attachment HKBWS WY 20/02/2017 0 / 6228 20/02/2017 17:33 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 1/2/2017室內講座Ind Mtg:中印度的野生動物Wildlife in Central India HKBWS Bonnie 29/12/2016 1 / 6298 27/01/2017 16:31 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 25/1/2017 Public Lecture: Ecological Roles of Forest Birds in Hong Kong Attachment HKBWS Ivan 22/01/2017 0 / 6055 22/01/2017 00:03 by HKBWS Ivan
  [Indoor] 6/1/2017 Ind Mtg: Raptor rehabilitation & research in Thailand HKBWS Bonnie 29/11/2016 2 / 7520 5/01/2017 11:25 by pitarhk
  [Indoor] 2017 室內講座Indoor Meeting Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 29/11/2016 1 / 9862 29/11/2016 11:18 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 奧杜邦藝術品的啟示 - 展覽及開幕禮 HKBWS Yun 21/11/2016 0 / 5613 21/11/2016 13:37 by HKBWS Yun
  [Indoor] 17/11/2016 Ind Mtg: Wildlife Conservation in Africa- S Africa & Botswana Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 14/10/2016 2 / 7902 16/11/2016 12:46 by HKBWS Johnson
  [Indoor] The Birds of America – John James Audubon – 21st Century Edition Exhibition Attachment HKBWS WY 14/11/2016 1 / 6075 15/11/2016 14:59 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 《老鷹想飛》電影欣賞及導演座談會 Attachment HKBWS Yun 3/11/2016 0 / 7836 3/11/2016 15:27 by HKBWS Yun
  [Indoor] 香港觀鳥 - 呂德恒 Attachment HKBWS WY 28/10/2016 0 / 6205 28/10/2016 11:16 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] 13/10/2016 室內講座 IndMtg: 塔斯曼尼亞生態之旅 Tasmania Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 8/08/2016 2 / 6708 14/10/2016 17:03 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 13/9/2016 Ind Mtg:Tracking Migration of Great Knots & BT Godwits in EAAF Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 12/07/2016 2 / 6485 14/09/2016 12:13 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 10/8/2016 室內講座 IndMtg:香港的蟻與蜂Ants & Wasps of HK Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 15/07/2016 2 / 7477 11/08/2016 12:28 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 10/6/2016 Indoor Meeting: Birdwatching in the 21st Century Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 5/05/2016 6 / 10633 13/06/2016 14:55 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 12/5/2016 室內講座IndMtg: Birding in Arctic Europe 北歐極地觀鳥 Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 15/04/2016 2 / 6436 13/05/2016 15:46 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 4/5/2016室內講座IndMtg:守鱟。海岸Horseshoe Crabs and the Coast HKBWS Bonnie 14/04/2016 1 / 6728 3/05/2016 18:11 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 22/3/2016室內講座IndMtg:尋找地山雀@西藏FindingGroundTit@Tibet Attachment HKBWS Bonnie 2/03/2016 2 / 6301 24/03/2016 15:54 by HKBWS Bonnie
  [Indoor] 新書發佈會: 《Birds of Hong Kong》暨香港最新鳥類概況簡報 Attachment HKBWS WY 5/02/2016 4 / 7925 22/02/2016 12:29 by HKBWS WY
  [Indoor] Book Launch:《Birds of Hong Kong》cum Talk on Birds of Hong Kong Attachment HKBWS WY 5/02/2016 3 / 7412 22/02/2016 11:24 by HKBWS WY
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