
Shorebirds 涉禽

    Subject Author Replies/Views Last Post
  [Plovers] 蒙古沙行 LESSER SAND PLOVER Andiona 27/01/2009 0 / 6649 27/01/2009 01:57 by Andiona
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover with food Attachment fneil 14/01/2009 1 / 6826 15/01/2009 09:19 by wcaptain
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 iherman 14/01/2009 0 / 6005 14/01/2009 20:40 by iherman
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 cwchan 7/01/2009 4 / 8321 8/01/2009 22:29 by lwingkay
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 ypakwai 15/12/2008 0 / 5722 15/12/2008 01:22 by ypakwai
  [Plovers] Grey Plover 灰斑鴴 with ring craymond 19/11/2008 0 / 6395 19/11/2008 12:10 by craymond
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 cwchan 16/11/2008 0 / 6149 16/11/2008 23:54 by cwchan
  [Plovers] *白化金眶鴴 Albino Little Ringed Plover* Allen 14/11/2008 2 / 7559 15/11/2008 23:16 by Allen
  [Plovers] Red Knot and Great Knot, Mai Po Boardwalk John Holmes 29/10/2008 1 / 7621 29/10/2008 17:00 by kmatthew
  [Plovers] 金眶 Little Ringed Plover puppymic 26/10/2008 0 / 5940 26/10/2008 13:13 by puppymic
  [Plovers] 環頸 Kentish Plover puppymic 26/10/2008 0 / 5702 26/10/2008 13:07 by puppymic
  [Plovers] 鐵咀沙 Greater Sand Plover puppymic 26/10/2008 0 / 5954 26/10/2008 13:00 by puppymic
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover 蒙古沙鴴 sammysam 24/10/2008 1 / 7451 25/10/2008 23:45 by gary
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 isaac_chan 23/10/2008 0 / 6093 23/10/2008 00:31 by isaac_chan
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 craymond 22/10/2008 0 / 5271 22/10/2008 10:11 by craymond
  [Plovers] 蒙古沙鴴 Lesser Sand Plover pitarhk 21/10/2008 0 / 5778 21/10/2008 23:51 by pitarhk
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover 金斑鴴 sammysam 19/10/2008 1 / 6742 20/10/2008 10:01 by HKBWS Vicky
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover 蒙古沙鴴 ypakwai 19/10/2008 0 / 5739 19/10/2008 23:28 by ypakwai
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover 蒙古沙鴴 cchristina 19/10/2008 0 / 5688 19/10/2008 23:08 by cchristina
  [Plovers] 蒙古沙鴴 Lesser Sand Plover craymond 14/10/2008 0 / 6126 14/10/2008 12:32 by craymond
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 cfrankie 12/10/2008 4 / 7552 13/10/2008 02:26 by cfrankie
  [Plovers] 蒙古沙鴴 Lesser Sand Plover Ken 8/10/2008 1 / 7537 8/10/2008 22:27 by HFCheung
  [Plovers] Greater (?) sandplover Attachment handrew 4/10/2008 0 / 5600 4/10/2008 11:51 by handrew
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover Attachment fneil 1/10/2008 0 / 5865 1/10/2008 07:10 by fneil
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 hiddenplace 26/09/2008 0 / 5779 26/09/2008 00:44 by hiddenplace
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover 鐵嘴沙鴴 isaac_chan 9/08/2008 1 / 7260 10/08/2008 10:18 by lchunfai
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover msamuel 15/07/2008 0 / 6177 15/07/2008 20:47 by msamuel
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover 鐵咀沙鴴 cthomas 10/04/2007 9 / 12490 20/06/2008 21:22 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plovers - 鉄嘴沙鴴 kkitty 13/05/2008 0 / 6873 13/05/2008 21:24 by kkitty
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plovers 鉄嘴沙鴴 twallace 20/04/2008 0 / 6362 20/04/2008 00:02 by twallace
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover 太平洋金斑鴴 twallace 19/04/2008 2 / 7492 19/04/2008 23:34 by twallace
  [Plovers] Lesser Sand Plover 蒙古沙鴴 cthomas 17/04/2008 1 / 5768 17/04/2008 22:00 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Pacific Golden Plover Attachment John Holmes 16/04/2008 0 / 5738 16/04/2008 08:56 by John Holmes
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover sammysam 15/04/2008 0 / 5605 15/04/2008 00:32 by sammysam
  [Plovers] Greater Sand Plover Attachment John Holmes 14/04/2008 0 / 5464 14/04/2008 23:20 by John Holmes
  [Plovers] Oriental Plover 東方鴴 sammysam 14/04/2008 0 / 6074 14/04/2008 01:05 by sammysam
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 and Greater Sand Plovers 鉄嘴沙鴴 ckn 13/04/2008 4 / 6792 13/04/2008 19:26 by ckn
  [Plovers] Oriental Plover 東方鴴 (Record photo) Allen 9/04/2008 1 / 7333 9/04/2008 21:35 by Allen
  [Plovers] (Greater?) Sand plover Attachment handrew 8/04/2008 9 / 8819 8/04/2008 20:16 by handrew
  [Plovers] 金眶 Little Ringed Plover puppymic 30/03/2008 0 / 5283 30/03/2008 12:42 by puppymic
  [Plovers] White-faced Plover in Hong Kong Attachment kpeter 7/03/2008 1 / 6537 7/03/2008 18:51 by kpeter
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover fneil 1/03/2008 2 / 6903 1/03/2008 07:14 by fneil
  [Plovers] Kentish Plover 環頸鴴 cthomas 3/01/2008 0 / 6005 3/01/2008 22:30 by cthomas
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶 puppymic 30/12/2007 2 / 6304 30/12/2007 00:29 by puppymic
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 Attachment lmike 29/12/2007 6 / 8385 29/12/2007 18:50 by lmike
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover tbob 23/12/2007 5 / 7928 23/12/2007 19:14 by tbob
  [Plovers] Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 ckuifai 20/12/2007 0 / 5591 20/12/2007 23:00 by ckuifai
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴 isaac_chan 6/12/2007 2 / 7341 6/12/2007 23:47 by isaac_chan
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover hkwongkit 28/11/2007 3 / 7804 28/11/2007 15:54 by hkwongkit
  [Plovers] Little Ringed Plover 金眶衍 cwchan 24/11/2007 7 / 9121 24/11/2007 23:15 by cwchan
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