觀鳥活動的惡劣天氣安排 (19/5/2017 Updates)OutingBadWeatherArrangement
觀鳥活動的惡劣天氣安排 (19/5/2017 更新版):
1. 如活動(或預計活動)前一小時天文台仍然(或預告即將)懸掛三號或以上「熱帶氣旋警告訊號」、黃、紅或黑色「暴雨警告訊號」,當日活動將會取消。
2. 如活動進行中天文台發出「雷暴警告」,領隊會視乎現場情況決定是否繼續或取消餘下行程。
3. 至於其他的天氣情況,鳥友可自行決定是否參活動。
大帽山觀鳥活動的惡劣天氣安排(19/5/2017 更新版):
1. 如活動(或預計活動)前一小時天文台仍然(或預告即將)懸掛三號或以上「熱帶氣旋警告訊號」、黃、紅或黑色「暴雨警告訊號」,當日活動將會取消。
2. 如活動進行中天文台發出「雷暴警告」,領隊會視乎現場情況決定是否繼續或取消餘下行程。
3. 除以上惡劣天氣外,例如持續的驟雨和狂風雷暴等情況(包括已出現或預計於活動時段內出現),領隊將以天文台所提供的不同天氣資料(例如:雷達圖、分區天氣及降雨預報、閃電位置等等) 作考慮,再與本會職員商討,並以安全為大前提之下決定是否繼續大帽山的行程。
4. 在集合後,如領隊認為當時或預計於活動時段的天氣不適合在大帽山觀鳥,領隊將會更改觀鳥地點,地點由領隊與本會職員待定。
5. 如更改地點後參加者決定不參加,無需繳付活動費用(如有)。
General Bad Weather Arrangement for outing:
1. Outing will be cancelled when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above or Rainstorm Warnings Yellow, Red or Black is hoisted (or is expected to be hoisted) by the Hong Kong Observatory 1 hour before outing.
2. If Thunderstorm Warning is announced during the activity, leader will decide whether the outing should be continued or cancelled based on the weather condition on the site.
Special Weather Arrangement for Tai Mo Shan Outing:
Safety is always our fundamental concern for organizing a bird watching activity. Tai Mo Shan is a birding site with mainly open area without sheltering facilities and therefore there is more changes for accidents when poor weather condition is observed up there. Common accidents observed are slip and fall injury on slippery slope due to outbreak of rain, blown down by squalls and gusts and even direct strokes by lightning (especially when holding an umbrella). In order to ensure personal safety of outing participants, more conservative bad weather arrangement will be carried out for TMS outing.
1. Outing will be cancelled when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above or Rainstorm Warnings Yellow, Red or Black is hoisted (or is expected to be hoisted) by the Hong Kong Observatory 1 hour before outing.
2. If Thunderstorm Warning is announced during the outing, leader will decide whether the outing should be continued or cancelled based on the weather condition on the birding site.
3. In addition to the above condition, other bad weather like continuous rain and squally thunderstorms that is expected to influence the outing period will also make TMS not suitable for birding. Our leaders will work together with office staff to make a decision on whether the TMS outing should go on based on all available weather information provided by the Hong Kong Observatory (e.g. weather radar image, regional weather & rainfall forecast and lightning alert.
4. If TMS is considered not suitable for birding under the above condition, birding location will be changed to one jointly decided by outing leaders and office staff.
5. Outing fee, if any, will be waived when participant withdraws due to change of birding location.