The HKBWS with Association for Geoconcervation, Hong Kong, Association for Tai O Environment and Development, Conservancy Association, Designing Hong Kong, Green Power and WWF-HK sent a Joint Letter (refer to attached) to the Secretary for Development expressing our concerns on recent environmental destruction occurred on Po Toi Island.
Undersigned Organisations welcome the prompt actions taken by the government. We appreciates that AFCD and Lands Department has investigated and carried out enforcement actions promptly after receiving reports, and the Town Planning Board has gazetted the Po Toi Islands Development Permission Area Plan on 2 March 2012 in which it has recognized the conservation value of Po Toi island in the notes of the Plan. However, we would like to point out that these environmental destruction all over Hong Kong are facilitated by the lack of statutory protection.
We urge the government to ask the land-owner to re-instate the site before wet season, to prevent further degradation of the site due to soil erosion and landslides. The government should offer statutory protection to the sites with conservation value, to prevent environmental vandalism in these sites.