
Member' replies to some deleted posts

Member' replies to some deleted posts

I am very new to bird watching. Maybe I am really do not have the position or unwise to say anything here. But as a christian, I would like to be the messager for peace. Forgive me for my poor English. But I think it is better to write it in both languages for those who do not know Chinese to read and share their views too.
我剛開始觀鳥不久, 也許並沒有資格甚至是不智在這裡說三道四, 但作為基督徒, 我希望能才為和平之使。對不起,我的英文並不是很好, 但仍然堅持以雙語回聲, 希望那些不懂中文的讀者也能明白、回應。

Firstly, I thank VRII for bringing out many issues in your posts here and elsewhere. I think these really make many of us to think clearly what is true and what is guess. Like the one in "bird of paradise story". ... &extra=page%3D1 (For those who read English only, this post talk about someone thought that bird were manipulated for photography, but the originally photographer clearly stated that he used 3 years to find the location and in the third year used 3 months to watch and take the photos. ... dise-story-92996560, ... f-paradise-71513063)
首先, 很感謝VRII君在這裡及其他地方發表的Post. 很多都發人心省, 如"最近興用萬能膠攻擊別人"( ... &extra=page%3D1)中的資料, 很好的反映什麼是事實, 什麼是猜測。

I think it really reflect the culture of internet nowadays. If you have watch some news program in TV, it talked about the judgement of people in Mainland China and HK on various incidents. People response on other's critics and exaggerate it without proof. They think that they have the freedom of speech and can say anything in the internet. But by doing so, they became the judge but without double-checking the evidence. I think this program is very good in its view and it also interviewed those who are being criticized. I think this culture was developed by some aggressive new newspaper and magazines which, when launched many years ago, used exaggerate method to catch eyeballs and burst sales. I think this culture should not be encouraged. We, when criticized on something, should give more evidence and for those who want to response should clarify whether there are enough proof.
我想這反映了現在的網絡文化。如你最近有觀看電視上的新聞節目(忘記是那一個)講述在國內或香港的事件時, 有些人在網上發表評擊, 其他人在未了解事件的始末便加入回應評擊, 他們認為自己有言論自由, 可以在網上發表自己的看法。但這樣做, 他們便變為法官但却沒有法律上嚴謹的辯證。我認為這個新聞節目十分好, 而節目亦有訪問那些受評擊的人。我想這種文化是過往一些新的報紙及雜誌在推出時以誇張手法吸引讀者及推高銷量。 我想這種文化不應被鼓勵, 我們在提出評擊前, 應將足夠的事實根據提出, 而在回應前亦應想清楚那些批評是否有足夠的事實根據, 這樣自然的謠言止於智者。

Writing this response in English and Chinese are exhausting. And I have work to do now, so excuse me I will continue to express my view in the coming post. Thanks
用雙語來寫這篇回應很費力, 而我亦有事忙, 所以請容我將其他回應留在未來的post, 謝謝
(To be contined)


Secondly, I think those accuse are not completely pointless, take for example ... amp;extra=page%3D1. And what they want to accomplish is araise the awareness of people do not use immoral method for bird photography. I am sure that most of us agrre that photographers should not use pins, toothpicks or even hooks for holding baits. Actually I am sure that for those experience photographers definitely will think that pictures taken like these have no techniques at all. I am also sure that all of us reading or participating in this forum agree that taking photos for birds is all right providing that they are not hurt or harmed, otherwise we do not have birds to watch or photo in the future.
其次, 我認為部份評論亦不是無的放矢, 如 ... amp;extra=page%3D1. 我想發表這些評論的人仕是希望引起大家注意不要以不道德行為鳥攝。我相信我們都同意不應以大頭針、牙籤甚至鈎固定餌誘拍鳥, 我想大部份有經驗的攝影師都會認為這種照片, 豪無技術可言, 不值一晒。我亦相信觀看及參與這論壇的朋友都同意鳥攝本身並無問題, 只要鳥兒不會受到傷害為大前題, 否則將來亦沒有這些鳥可供觀賞及攝影。

So, the difference between each other is not that great. We all agree on what is white and what is black. But how about Grey? Maybe it is only a matter of degree. Let's have a rational discussion together and listen to the reasonings of others. Communicating, understanding and accepting or even adopting other's standard is the purpose of this post. Hope that those who particpating, please use a polite and not a comfronting attitude. Would the forum administrators help to maintain a friendly discussion here. But I think blocking others just because their wording are confronting are not constructive to the discussion. If someone use wordings that are impolite, would the forum administrators copy only their arguments to another reply or just delete those impolite wordings. Completely block someone's argument really give an impression that no opposition is allowed.
那魔其實大家的分歧並非想像中那麽大了, 大家都同意黑(不道德的鳥攝不可取)白(鳥攝無問題), 但灰色地帶又如何, 可能只是程度問題而已。讓我們理性地相討一些論題,聆聽其他人的標準背後的原因。溝通、理解、接納甚至採納他人的標準是這個post的目的。希望各位參與這個post討論的朋友以友善、有禮而非對抗的態度討論, 亦請論壇管理員協助維持一個友善的討論氣氛。但我認為因為某人的無禮言論而全面封鎖他的post, 無助於討論, 只會讓人覺得論壇不接受不同見解, 可否只刪除那些無禮的言論,或將他的論點copy至一個新的reply?

[ Last edited by kkchang168 at 22/06/2013 14:11 ]

