In keeping with tradition, and in response to unprecedented demand (I think someone mentioned it), here is this year’s Po Toi Christmas Quiz.
As usual, the Grand Prize is a free night on Po Toi in January (excluding dinner). The total possible score is 10. In a generous effort to ensure we have a winner this year, the Grand Prize and the title ‘Bird Brain of Po Toi’ will be awarded to the first person who scores 9 or more.
None of Hong Kong’s greatest Bird Brains have yet managed to win the Grand Prize but maybe this is the year. It has become increasingly difficult to think up new questions for the Quiz, so this may be your last opportunity.
Wildlife Questions
1. Name these two birds, photographed on Po Toi in December. Half point for each correct answer

2. Name these two birds, sound recorded on Po Toi in September and December. Half point for each correct answer
3. The three commonest migrants on Po Toi in terms of numbers of birds are all passerines – Chinese Bulbul, Japanese White-eye and Tree Sparrow. The fourth commonest migrant in 2009 is not a passerine – but what species is it?
4. Who is Mr Big and where does he usually spend the day?
5. What animal species was added to the Po Toi list in 2009?
6. 225 different species of bird have been seen on Po Toi this year. But how many different species of bird watchers have been seen on Po Toi this year?
a. One
b. Two
c. More than 50
Questions about Po Toi
7. Apart from the restaurant and sales to tourists, what is the biggest business activity on Po Toi? (not fishing, which is a lifestyle)
8. How have the Government managed to waste $500,000 of your money on Po Toi this year?
Questions about the Restaurant on Po Toi
9. How did the restaurant feature in the Hong Kong news headlines in 2009?
10. By tradition, the restaurant goes vegetarian (no seafood served) for one week in every three years. This will occur again in 2010 and you will want to avoid the vegetarian week – but which week is it?
So, there you are. 10 questions, 10 possible correct answers and a Grand Prize for the first to get 9 out of 10. What could be more tempting this Christmas? Answers next week.
Happy Christmas and a good birding New Year to all in HKBWS.
Last edited by wgeoff at 25/12/2009 07:44 ]