
New colour-ringed Korean Black-faced Spoonbill

New colour-ringed Korean Black-faced Spoonbill

Researchers in South Korea regular put on colour rings to some chicks of the BFS during the breeding season. Below is the information of the BFS colour-ringed in this summer. Please report sightings of any colour-ringed BFS (not only birds ringed this year, but also all in previous years) in this BBS (and I will open a new post for the sighting in the coming winter 2010-11).

韓國的黑臉琵鷺專家近年來都在繁殖地為黑臉琵鷺帶上彩色腳環, 有關的資料如下, 請各鳥友如在今後的日子見到有彩環的琵鷺(不只是今年上環的, 也有些是前幾年上腳環的), 勞煩你們在這討論區上報告, 我會開另一個專欄紀錄今個冬季(2010-11)的目擊報告.

Right leg (with code) 右腳 / Left leg 左腳
K89 (ring in red colour) / WYR (i.e. white/yellow/red)
K90 (red) / WYB (i.e. white/yellow/blue)
K91 (red) / WYG (i.e. white/yellow/green)
K92 (red) / WYW
K93 (red) / WBR
K94 (red) / WBY
K95 (red) / WBG
K96 (red) / WBW
K97 (red) / WGR
K98 (red) / WGY
K99 (red) / WGB
K00 (red) / WGW
E01 (red) / RY
E02 (red) / RB
E03 (red) / RG
E04 (red) / RW
E05 (red) / YR
E06 (red) / YB
E07 (red) / YG
E08 (red) / YW
E09 (red) / BR
E10 (red) / BY
E11 (red) / BG
E12 (red) / BW
E13 (red) / GR
E14 (red) / GY
E15 (red) / GB
E16 (red) / GW
E17 (red) / WR
E18 (red) / WY
E19 (red) / WB

Thank you very much

Yu Yat Tung
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society



[ Last edited by yyattung at 1/10/2010 21:42 ]

