
[Eagles] Crested Serpent Eagle - 蛇鵰

Place of capture, Yin Kong?


Should think it is the same eagle resting in Yin Kong.  I went there yesterday morning.  I understood from the photogers that there had been no feeding from the photogers.

[ Last edited by jojomau at 20/10/2010 16:33 ]


I concur with ajohn.

Yesterday, when the eagle drank from a spring, many photgers simply rushed to good spots on farmland.  I should think we would have to bear the consequence as a whole later.  Could we convey the message to some of the key figures of the photogers?  I understand that some of them have frequented their visits there for a number of days.  I have asked my friend who know some of them to spread the words.

Actually, the spot is now a multi-region attraction.  I met some from mainland yesterday.  From the URL cited above, the photogers might have come from Macau.  Could we try harder to keep LV a place with welcoming arms for bird lovers?

[ Last edited by jojomau at 20/10/2010 20:15 ]

