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A Post at 21/10/2006 02:45 Show author
HKBWS Forum Registration Agreement 香港觀鳥會討論區登錄條約
Below is the latest Registration Agreement of this portal/forum for members' attention:-
You understand that by registering in this forum only entitles you to visit and post any messages and/or photos onto the forum (provided that you have not violated any conditions below) but not granting you the membership of the HKBWS.
You also understand that the webmaster, administrators and moderators (“The Administration”) of this forum will remove or edit any generally objectionable and/or controversial materials as quickly as possible. However, it is impossible for The Administration to review each and every message in this forum. Therefore you acknowledge that all the messages and/or posts made to this forum express the personal views and opinions of the authors but not The Administration and hence The Administration will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other materials that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead you being immediately and/or permanently prohibited from entering into our forum in the future (and your service provider will also be notified. The IP address of all posts will be recorded in order to enforce these conditions. You agree that The Administration of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they think fit. As a user you agree that any information you have entered into this forum will be stored in a database. These information will not be disclosed to third parties without your prior consent or agreement, however, The Administration will not be liable for any hacking attempt that may lead to data loss from the database.
This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered but serve to improve your viewing pleasure. The e-mail address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new password should you forget your current one).
You also agree that the HKBWS may download and use your messages and photos posted in this forum within the HKBWS website for educational purpose or non-commercial publicity. You also authorize the HKBWS to amend your messages including the URL of your photos in order to achieve the aforesaid purposes.
For the Additional Forum Regulations which is in effect on 1 Jan 2013, please click: ... &extra=page%3D1
這個討論區的站方、系統管理員和版面管理員會(“管理團隊”)盡可能在第一時間內修改或删除任何有可能引起爭議性的文章或相片, 然而你亦明白到管理團隊不可能查閱所有的文章或相片, 因此本討論區內的文章內容並不代表管理團隊的言論、立場或意見, 管理團隊並不會對網友所發表的文章內容或相片負上任何的法律責任.
您必須同意不會發表任何辱罵, 猥褻, 粗俗, 毀謗, 怨恨, 恐嚇以及有關性別歧視或任何有可能造成違法行為的相關文章或相片, 如果管理團隊有理由相信您觸犯了以上任何一項規定, 管理團隊有權立即限制或永久阻止您進入本會的討論區並且永久删除您發表過的文章及相片(您的網路服務提供商也會被發函通知). 所有文章發表人的 IP 位址都將被儲存以防止任何的違法情節發生.
您必須同意管理團隊有權在任何時間刪除, 修改, 移動或關閉任何主題的權力. 作為一個使用者, 您必須同意您所提供的任何資訊都將被存入資料庫中, 除非得到您的同意或批准,管理團隊並不會對外公開這些資訊, 但不保證任何可能導致資料暴露的駭客入侵行為.
這個討論區系統使用cookie來儲存您的個人資訊, 這些cookie不包含任何您曾經輸入過的資訊, 它們只為方便您能更便捷的瀏覽. 而電子郵件位址的作用僅用於確認您的註冊資訊及密碼(或重新發放新密碼)。
有關2013年1月1日生效之討論區新增規則, 請參考: ... &extra=page%3D1