
Additions to the HK List (Updated 14th April 2008)

Additions to the HK List (Updated 14th April 2008)

At the recent meeting of the Records Committee, seven species and two taxa were added to Category A of the Hong Kong List, as follows:

001.2        Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii
One near Town Island, Sai Kung on 25th and 26th January 2008.

010.1 Japanese Cormorant Phalacrocorax capillatus
One at Po Toi from 17th to at least 22nd April 2005.

190.1        Japanese Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume
One near Waglan on 5th May 2007.

229.9        Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda
One at Po Toi on 18th and 21st May 2006.

322.9        Japanese Swamp Warbler Megalurus pryeri
A first-winter of the subspecies M.p. sinensis trapped at Mai Po NR on 10th November 2007.

365.5        Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca blythi
One of the taxon blythi (‘Siberian Lesser Whitethroat’) trapped at Mai Po NR on 15th October 2006.

‘Olive-backed Flycatcher’ Ficedula (narcissina/elisae) owstoni
Singles were recorded at Mount Davis on 24th March 2002 and at Po Toi on 26th and 30th March 2006. Although this taxon has been accepted in Category A, its taxonomic treatment remains under consideration.

376.9        Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva
One at Po Toi on at least 11th April 2007.

399.1        Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana
One at Long Valley on 20th October 2005.

The HK List now stands at 483 species in Categories A-D (blythi and owstoni have not been added separately as yet).

In addition, the following species was added to Category E of the Hong Kong List.

738.2        Grey-backed Shrike Lanius tephronotus
A bird showing evidence of captivity was at Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin on 27th January 2007. In addition, however, a record that pre-dates this is under assessment.

Should anybody have observations for dates other than those listed above, the RC would welcome submission of a record.

Records of the following species remain under consideration or are pending further research by the RC: Common Cuckoo, Brown Noddy, Vega Gull and Plain-tailed Warbler.

Records of the following species have recently been submitted: Bulwer's Petrel, Masked Booby, Bean Goose, Black Scoter, Pelagic Cormorant, 'Western Water Rail', Purple Cochoa and Rufous-bellied Niltava.

The following species have been reported, but as yet the RC has received no formal submission: Himalayan Wood Owl, Slaty-backed Flycatcher and Red-headed Bunting.

Finally, my thanks to those who pointed out the omissions in the original version of this report!

[ Last edited by HKBWS Project at 1/08/2008 15:19 ]


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11/04/2008 12:28, Downloaded count: 1211


Geoff, Thank you very much for your information!
Would you mind to tell me that the updated number of birds in HK List now?
Thanks again!


I've added it to the original post.



[quote:d4fb64dc01="cgeoff"]I've added it to the original post.


Thank you so much Geoff!


Thanks Geoff for update. It's good that hong Kong has 183 species in Cat. A-D. Will there be any updated Hong Kong Bird Checklist for us to download?
Tony Hung


I have sent an updated list to the Society, and I expect the file available on the website will be updated very soon.



The updated list has been added to the original post of Geoff and the Download Section of this Portal.

Forrest FONG

