HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund
About 80% of the wild bird species in Hong Kong are migratory. To conserve these species effectively, we need to conserve their habitats in Hong Kong as well as the other places they use on their migratory routes. Because of the conservation importance of these birds, the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS), HKBWS set up the “China Conservation Fund”, by collecting donations from HKBWS members and supporters, the fund provides small grants for academics and bird-watchers in Mainland China to do projects on bird watching promotion and bird researches, in order to conserve the Chinese birds. Up to 2018, HKBWS China Conservation Fund has supported more than 50 projects of different types, such as conservation projects towards critically-endangered Baer’s Pochard and Chinese Crested Tern, setting up of bird-watching society and capacity building for bird watching guides. All these projects contributed to bird conservation in Mainland China.
To provide support towards bird conservation in a wider region, HKBWS transformed the ‘China Conservation Fund’ into ‘HKBWS Asia Conservation fund’ in 2019 to further facilitate bird conservation in Asia. The fund supports research, monitoring, education and capacity-building for bird conservation in the region, with a higher priority given to i) projects which target species that occur in Hong Kong or on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway; and ii) project(s) that assist the relevant country in meeting Aichi Biodiversity Targets and implementing its action plan.
The fund opens for application in around May every year. All applications will be reviewed by the HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund committee.
Funds are from donations of members and supporters of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. If you wish to support our fund, please click here.