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  Planning applications

Proposed Training Centre with Machinery Repair Workshop at Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long (A/YL-HT/1040)

Proposed Comprehensive Development of Outlet Mall at south of and Wing Kei Tsuen, Yuen Long (A/YL-NSW/241)

Proposed 2 Houses (NTEHs) at Ko Tong, Tai Po (A/DPA/NE-TT/93-94)

Rezoning from "Residential (Group D)" to "Residential (Group D)1" at Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long (Y/YL-NSW/4)

Rezoning from "Agriculture" to "Village Type Development" at Lau Shui Heung, Fanling (Y/NE-LYT/11)

Proposed Low Density Residential Development at Yau Mei San Tsuen, Yuen Long (A/YL-MP/247)

Proposed International School and Access Road at Tsiu Keng, Kwu Tung South (A/NE-KTS/390)

Proposed House (NTEH) at Sheung Tin Liu Ha, Lam Tsuen (A/NE-LT/578)

Proposed Temporary Open Storage at Deep Bay Road, Yuen Long (A/YL-HT/1029)

Proposed Temporary Hobby Farm at Mai Po, Yuen Long (A/YL-MP/251)

Rezoning from "Conservation Area" to "Other Specified Use" annotated Columbarium at Kei Pik Shan, Sai Kung (Y/SK-PK/6)

Proposed Temporary Open Storage at Long Ho Road, Yuen Long (A/YL-TT/380)

Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park at Pak Sha Tsuen, Yuen Long (A/YL-TYST/793)

Proposed Comprehensive Development at Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau, Yuen Long (A/YL-NSW/242)

Proposed 12 Houses (NTEHs) at Tai Tan, Sai Kung (A/DPA/NE-TT/81-92)

Proposed 5 Houses (NTEHs) at Ham Tin, Tai Long Wan, Sai Kung (A/SK-TLW/6)

Proposed Residential Development (Houses) at Chuen Lung, Tsuen Wan (A/DPA/TW-CLHFS/3)

Proposed House (NTEH) at Ta Tit Yan Village, Tai Po (A/TP/603)

Proposed 5 Houses (NTEHs) at Tsiu Keng, Sheung Shui (Review under Section 17) (A/NE-KTS/408-411,414)

Proposed House (NTEH) at Lam Tsuen San Tsuen, Tai Po (Review under Section 17) (A/NE-LT/552)

Proposed House (NTEH) at Tin Liu Ha, Tai Po (A/NE-LT/569)

Proposed Agriculture Sheds and Emergency Vehicular Access (Review under Section 17) (A/SK-CWBN/38)

Proposed 3 Houses (NTEHs) at Lam Tsuen San Tsuen, Tai Po (A/NE-LT/566-568)

Proposed Temporary Storgae of Vehicles at Pat Heung, Yuen Long (A/YL-KTN/503-505)

Proposed Public Utility Installation (Radio Base Station) at Sheung Pak Nai, Yuen Long (A/YL-HT/1005)

Proposed House at Cheung Chau (A/I-CC/21)

Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Machinery at Cheung Lek (A/NE-KTS/416)




  Draft Outline Zoning Plans and Development Permission Area

Amendments to the Approved The Peak Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H14/11

Draft Kuk Po, Fung Hang, Yung Shue Au Outline Zoning Plan No. S/NE-KP/1

Draft Tung Chung Valley Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCV/1

Amendments to the Approved Tung Chung Town Centre Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/20

Draft Yi O Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-YO/1 (Comments on Representations)

Draft Pak Sha O Outline Zoning Plan No. S/NE-PSO/1

Draft Yi O Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-YO/1

Amendments to the Approved Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-CLK/12

Draft Yung Shue O Outline Zoning Plan (S/NE-YSO/1)

Draft Chek Keng Outline Zoning Plan (S/NE-CK/1)

Draft Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan (S/I-PTI/1) (Comments on Representations)

Draft Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan (S/I-PTI/1)


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