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Conservation News 保育資訊

Forum Topics Posts Last Post

MPNR 米埔自然保護區

Your comment, advice & suggestion on management/protection of Mai Po Nature Reserve & RAMSAR Site 對管理保護米埔自然保護區及拉姆薩爾濕地的意見及建議

364 852 米埔中秋節特別安排 Mai Po Mid-Autumn Fes ... by WWF Mai Po - 11/09/2024 17:46

Local 本地

11 21 新田科技城 San Tin Technopole (627 hecta ... by K_Chan - 23/07/2023 21:45

China 中國

9 10 徵求雲南怒江一帶鳥類紀錄 Bird records of ... by HKBWS WY - 27/04/2021 14:06

International 國際

33 45 Cranes at Arasaki, near Izumi City, Kyus ... by wcaptain - 9/02/2024 09:58

Conservation News 保育資訊

Stop posting since 15/2/17暫停更新

784 2533 2023 IUCN Red List update 鳥類紅色名錄更 ... by HKBWS Tung - 21/12/2023 11:06

Wild Birds & Avian Flu 野鳥與禽流感

News, messages and discussion about the outbreak of Avian Flu recently

72 271 migratory birds are not a reservoir for ... by wmartin - 26/07/2016 22:46

Response to env. issues 對環境議題的回應

Sub Forums: EIA環境影響評估  Statutory plan, application法定圖則, 申請  Public consultations公眾諮詢  

46 86 【Deadline on 8 May】Speaking up for San ... by HKBWS Suet Mei - 26/04/2024 12:42